Hi @mYSt,
I found a small issue:
When fast scrolling up/down in a gamelist (by keep pressing d-pad up or down), ES hides game description and game picture mix. Normal behavior, I guess, anything else would make no sense. But during ES does the hide, the screen overlays stay displayed. For example in GameBoy's gamelist, this graphic is left during the fast scrolling process:

I hope you know what I mean, did forget to take a photo at home 
Sorry if this issue was already posted, but I didn't want to read the whole thread again, as most posts are french and I don't speak french. I know there is a big french community, but at this point I'd like to ask once again for keeping the international part of the forum in english. In my point of view, participation for non french speakers (like me) would be much easier this way. Thanks in advance.