Solved Bluemsx Change mapper (rom type)
Pls I would like to know if it's possible to change the mapper in bluemsx for certain roms. (Mapper is the rom type option)
I'm checking in retroarch and I don't see such an option.
Cart Mapper Type (Restart) [bluemsx_cartmapper] (Auto|Normal|mirrored|basic|0x4000|0xC000|ascii8|ascii8sram|ascii16|ascii16sram|ascii16nf|konami4|konami4nf|konami5|konamisynth|korean80|korean90|korean126|MegaFlashRomScc|MegaFlashRomSccPlus|msxdos2|scc|sccexpanded|sccmirrored|sccplus|snatcher|sdsnatcher|SegaBasic|SG1000|SG1000Castle|SG1000RamA|SG1000RamB|SC3000) When a rom game or application is in the database, the emulator uses the databases to apply the correct mapper. If the sha1 value of a dump is not yet in the databases, it uses an automatic mapper detection system, but it can fail in some cases. In this situation, you can manually select the correct mapper.
@paradadf thx you so much I didn't notice now it works as a charm.