Well done! it solved all my problems in the last Recalbox RC1! No more ES crashs!
Good Job!
Thanks again for your hard work! (and thanks for the Amstrad CPC theme! it's perfect! )
[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
@ViRuS-MaN le fais tu exprès ?
@mYSt travaille dessus pour trouver le problème qu'il y a sur la RC1 !
pour le moment les problèmes remontés ont été avec ton thème (très demandé) par contre on a pas plus d'information.... désolé.
tu as besoin d'archive de support ou autre pour t'aider ? parfois il suffit d'une image "foireuse" ou un fichier avec une balise manquante pour faire tout planté -
oui j ai vue je vais attendre qu il y a une solution et deja tester la rc avec le theme d origine
sous dreamcast je n ai pas de son aux jeux c est normal ???
j ai le theme es next pixel , j ai tester pas mal de jeux en quitant je suis toujours revenue dans le menu de la console et j ai pu relancer des jeux de differentes consoles et les quitter sans aucun probleme jusqu a maintenant
test sur odroid xu4
Pour ceux qui ont le pb d’écran noir après avoir quitter un jeu, pouvez vous me confirmer que vous utilisez au moins l'un des systèmes suivants :
- amiga600
- snes (avec final fantasy VI)
- samcoupe
- commodore64
- x68000
- pc/dos
- wonderswan color
- satellaview
@myst pour ma part j'utilise :
snes (le jeux doit être dans la gamelist car il y est)
amiga 600 -
v0.9.1 release
Find out how to fix that "black screen" problem (it appears using sounds with a sample rate different than 44100Hz lead to that black screen) , so here is the fix with some bonus since i added some work i've done last week.
- Add amstradcpc support
- Add lutro support
- Add cavestory2 alternative game theme to ports alternatives as well
- Add naomi custom rating icon
- Change colecovision game theme
- Improve gba rating icon contrast with background
- Fix black screen after exiting game from several system
- Fix gamelistview settings order (standard is now default)
Well done! it solved all my problems in the last Recalbox RC1! No more ES crashs!
Good Job!
Thanks again for your hard work! (and thanks for the Amstrad CPC theme! it's perfect! ) -
Il faut prendre quel package quand on a un RPI 3 ? le 1080 ou le 720p ? Il marche avec les nouveau émulateur de la nouvel version RC de recalbox ?
Merci super bouleau en tout cas
720p ton rpi3 va souffrir en 1080p
@alexandre-favalier et forcer recalbox en 720p et plus que recommandé également pour de meilleurs performances et une meilleur qualité des images (cf doc).
Dans le cas d'un écran 4/3 sur RPI, faut il également appliquer les mêmes paramètres que ceux préconisés pour les 720p sur écran 16/9?
hdmi_mode=4Merci d'avance.
En tout cas merci beaucoup pour le boulot, ton thème est superbe!
Logiquement tu dois utiliser le theme 4/3
Et avoir deja regle ton ecran pour le 4/3 sur recalbox... -
Hi, I've found time to test latest v0.9.1 on RB 6.0 RC2 on Pi 3B+
Unfortunately I'm facing some big issues:- Gamelist views of 1-2 (different, random) systems show a white screen only (photo 1)
This happens also with wallpapers in system overview. - When moving back to system overview and scroll through the wheel, sometimes backrgrounds take very long to load and/or show a message (unfortunately too shortly to read, something containing word "palette") (photo 2 and 3)
I'm using 720p version with 22 systems and switched default resolution of to 720p by modifying config.txt (like recommended for Pi)
It seems to be no memory issue now, Recalbox Manager shows enough free memory. I also can exclude SD card issues, using same, fast Sandisk Ultra as usual.
Hope you can help, I really like latest changes on theme.
One more thing, would it be possible to make an option for showing game description (text) left justified instead of centered?
Thank you very much in advance!
- Gamelist views of 1-2 (different, random) systems show a white screen only (photo 1)
@lhari84 Hello, did you uninstall previous theme version before installing this one? those messages at top are really weird, never seen/heard about such an issue. Have you change default theme options?
@lhari84 said in Next Pixel theme:
One more thing, would it be possible to make an option for showing game description (text) left justified instead of centered?
You can edit file data\gamelistviews\common_description.xml, just replace <alignment>center</alignment> with <alignment>left</alignment>
@lhari84 I managed to reproduce messages pb on top, will fix it for next release
Ok, thanks!! Just for info, I've installed both Recalbox and theme freshly, not updated anything.Things I have changed in theme:
- Copied wallpapers and sounds of Neogeo to fba_libreto
- Replaced ogg-music file of psp by another one (as I always do because for me original one is too silent and quite huge). But it's 44100Hz and should not cause any problems.
Also thanks for hint of text format, I'll do it this way
@lhari84 ok
And for white screen this is memory issue (even if manager report still having memory left), someone made some tests with old stable recalbox version and new 6.0 and it seems the new one consumes more memory and so it appears you can have white screen with less systems than before, couldn't test it by myself though (as i have only a pi3b+). Personnaly on my usb drive i have around 20 systems and it seems to work fine, but usually i launch recalbox, play 1 or 2 games and exit recalbox, so i'm not stressing it a lot. -
Too bad, thought that ES was optimized in 6.0 and would improve situation.
So I have to go back to default next-theme till a Pi with more RAM is out, for me these malfunctions due to lack of memory are too annoying
Maybe I‘ll give another try reducing to 18 systems, it‘s my lowest limit compromise i can live with for being able to use your great theme smoothly. -
Gran trabajo, visualmente de lo mejor que he visto en mucho tiempo, estoy trabajando con batocera en 64bits, el problema es que cuando intento cargar cualquiera de las distintas opciones 720 y 1080 no consigo hacerlo funcionar en mi ordenador...alguna idea del fallo? se me queda la imagen en blanco sin cargar el tema. Gracias
Just reduced to 18 systems (including favorites), now problems seem to be gone. I'm glad being able to keep using the theme this way...
Only the other issue persists. Especially when I exit an emulator and scroll through system menu afterwards. Hope you can fix it.