My Zelda Arcade Cabinet
Hello everyone,
thanks to your wonderfull project which is recalbox, and thanks to the community, I was able to get enough motivation to build my own arcade cabinet. I chose Zelda theme and I was inspired by Phrazelle :
My father and I worked on it since last year. here are few pictures about this :
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I used 2 usb encoders hosting 12 buttons each (necessary to play N64 or PSX games even if sometimes I agree that it's not easy)
I used the next level theme which I reviewed for the buttons configuration so I customized it for each emulator. example with N64 :
So player can see this during the game selection list for N64 here and it makes things easyer before starting a game
The speakers are on the sides since I used some nice ones dedicated for cars at the beginning and it was too big to place them on the top corners of the screen on the square panel.
since I only had 4 USB ports on the PI3, I used 2 of them for the encoders, 1 for a usb key for my games and configurations and a last one for a nice keyboard with touchpad included. this keyboard is hidden on the bottom part and is very nice to play games like ScummVM, MSDOS and some others. that means I didn't convert the sound to USB but I let it in jack. maybe not the best choice ever but the sound quality is good enough for me actually. I'm using a potentiometer which is on the top left corner of the main board to adapt the sound :
It's the first time i'm working on a project like this without any specific skills (some in programming a bit but that's it) so it's not perfect but I like it how it is actually :-). i felet a lack of skill especially in electronic stuff. With some more knowledges I think I would have been able to do much better.
For the sticker, I took some pictures from internet and I pasted them in order to build some nice designs with filters. I used GIMP for all of them. there are 3 of them I just found on internet and didn't change at all cause they were already nice to me.
I hope you will appreciate it
I wanted to thanks everyone who participated in the recalbox project, and also a lot of people from the community who helped me a lot to make my arcade cabinet done.
Special thanks to :@abunille for his help to my mapping issues I had with NES and ScummVM
@Norde for his help to modify the theme and add my own button configuration mapping
@Gaetan for his wonderful theme i'm using here.(great job !)
@Substring & @acris for their help to optimise PSP games
al programmers/developpers for RecalboxThanks everyone
@minouch said in My Zelda Arcade Cabinet:
I used 2 usb encoders hosting 12 buttons each (necessary to play N64 or PSX games even if sometimes I agree that it's not easy)
Which encoders are you using ?
Nice work
Here is a beautiful arcade cabinet, congrats!
Happy to have been able to help (a little bit)
Hi, very nice cabinet and great design. Have a lot of fun with it
@voljega I was not able to double check the rΓ©fΓ©rence but here is a picture about the one I'm using :
and here is the amazon link for the kit I purchased : link.
They are working perfectly with recalbox and allow to host up to 12 buttons / player@Norde Thanks :p. actually you told me what I needed to hear to unlock the situation. I'm just not really confident with themes values. I just tried different numbers and crossed my fingers so the design is at the good place :D. I had few tries before I got it like I wanted.
@Scavy Thanks a lot :-). really appreciate. I'm having a lot of fun yes. (especially when I see my wife falling down everytime in the same hole in mario 3...) She will never learn I suppose.
@minouch also thanx 4 the link for the encoders. A little question, they are connected to different USB ports or on the same with a USB hub ? My own cabinet is in progress
@scavy hi scavy. They are using 2 native usb pprts of the raspberry. Then one usb port is used for the keyboard and the last one is used for my usb key containing games and config files