30 Dec 2018, 13:28

It works!!

I have made the following steps:

  • Write the latest recalbox image on SD Card.
  • Start the recalbox with gamehat and connect to your network.
  • Use a FTP Programm (i used WinSCP) and copy the mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko on your recalbox to "/recalbox/share/system".
  • Log into your Recalbox with SSH (i used Putty)
  • Do following commands in your console without quotation mark:

"mount -o remount rw, /" Make the root path writable

"mv /recalbox/share/system/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko /lib/modules/4.4.13-v7/extra/" Move and override the mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko file

"nano /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf" Edit the recalbox.conf

  • Scroll to "D2 - GPIO Controllers" and override the line "controllers.gpio.enabled=0" to "controllers.gpio.enabled=1"

  • Override the line "controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2" to controllers.gpio.args="map=5 gpio=5,6,13,19,21,4,26,12,23,20,16,18,-1"

  • Save with crtl + O and enter

Following command: "shutdown -r now" Restart your recalbox

Now it should work.

Thank you for your help!