@bobby-hanc**k How to do this? I remaped in recalbox menu but dont work, You can send me your reicast input config or inputs of retroarch config? Thanks!
Some Dreamcast games dont work handspike (manche)
hello some dreamcast games like 'King of Fighters - Dream Match 1999" do not work directional (handspike, joystick) I believe because dreamcast has multiple levers, does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you!
@marcos map the controller yourself. I for doa2 had that problem, remapped myself. No more issue.
@bobby-hanc**k How to do this? I remaped in recalbox menu but dont work, You can send me your reicast input config or inputs of retroarch config? Thanks!
@marcos if I knew how to get that my recal is down. I used the special button, middle on controller like Xbox or ps button. And X should pop up a menu.
@bobby-hanc**k i use arcade joysticks in my bartop
up, someone how to fix this?
@marcos use the hotkey to access retroarch menu and do the remap
@voljega in game?
@marcos hmmm yeah ingame but actually i just rembered that the dreamcast emulator isn't a libretro core so it's just not possible to do what you want at the moment