If your controller is connected over bluetooth you must remap in ES.
Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
@Substring Yes it is, a Sandisk 128go sd card.
Sorry for my french comment above, mixing languages all the day can be tricky. -
@azvarel looking at your support archive, you haven't remapped your x360 pad, which you MUST do
@0x77696e So, a few questions :
- was it working before the upgrade ?
- have you set a particular videomode to es ?
- can you make a support archive WHEN you stuc after leaving kodi ? I'm curious about ES state + screen resolution.
Kodi should run at the native resolution of your projector, which should be the same resolution as ES. Tricky ...
@azvarel try renaming
just to see then launch again kodi. Have ypu remapped ypur pads ?@substring
yes, I had mapped the buttons, renamed~/.kodi
and did not get exite the joystick did not work except the B, A and R buttons.I managed to solve the following command: in KODI I went into System Settings > Input > Configure attached conttrollers and add Super Nintendo joystick through the button Get more...
after remapping this control by kodi, the 8bitdo snes30, started to work.
maybe required for the official version, have this option as default -
@substring I have used the already upgraded image, so I can't tell you if it was running before (and this is the first beta release running on rpi3+).
I have not set anything on ES, it is the stock configuration.
The support archive I have submitted is already when the bug occurs.
But.. in fact, kodi AND ES are working and there are no resolution problems, if I starts from ES and then Kodi, all is working great.
The bug apears when I'm leaving Kodi and the system returns back to ES, here the screen is cropped. -
Brand new RPI3+ here with a fresh sd-card.
Just had a few hours to test, but most of the things seems to be working fine.
I ran into one strange thing with my PS3-controller though.
I know people have been reporting some issues with PS3-controllers, but remapping is not working here.
As long as the controller is connected with a wired USB-cable it responds as it should, I can navigate the ES-menus and it responds with the proper action to my keypresses.
When i unplug the USB-cable and it connects over Bluetooth down-buttons triggers A, and two presses down launches a game. That fails. And after that all game fails until next reboot. Just a blank black screen and then return to ES. Before connecting PS3-controller over bluetooth all games work and after a reboot they work again.Also - Recalbox reports that RPI3+ is runs on 1200 MHz, not 1350 as it should?
Connected both wifi and bluetooth controllers with the embedded wifi and bluetooth that came with the RPi and it works like a charm. Also my two 8bitDo SFC30-controllers works perfect.
If your controller is connected over bluetooth you must remap in ES.
@stefankrantz PS3 pads behave differently whether over USB or BT, that's why you need to remap in BT too. This should solve the crashes
@Substring which you turn off raspberry, kodi is not saving input settings
@azvarel I beg your pardon ?
It did solve the crashes! Thanks, didn't realise I had to remap it while on bluetooth.
No more crashes.The Speed - 1200 MHz for a RPI3B+ is that simply the wrong information from Recalbox or is it actually running slower than it should?
@stefankrantz if you rely on the overclock page, they are still adapted to pi3, not pi3b+
@substring just by curiosity, do you plan, if it's possible, to make b+ overclocking available in a sooner release ?
Yeah, thats the one!
I discovered an other error with the PS3-controller.
It's not responding at all in PS1-emulation.
For other games (example N64) and in ES it works, but not PSX.
My 8BitDo-controller works in PS1 though. -
@gaetan need first to make a distinction between 3b+ and 3b ... which IS possible, but the only solution i have so far sucks
Can you please supply an image for x86 (for machines that can't do 64-bit)?
@kimmykaroo i'd rather have you upgrade if you can, one of the main purpose is to test the upgrade process too as it has some major changes, i don't want to brick any recalbox
Hi ! I try the new release.
I'm sorry, I will write in French, because my English is too bad to explain that happened!Donc, j'ai fait la maj bêta sur mon pi2.
J'ai remap ma manette ps3 et j'ai d'abord voulu tester kodi, car j'avais un bug jusqu'à présent (la manette officielle ne fonctionait pas sur kodi avec le driver bluez 5). J'attendais la maj de kodi pour voir. Et bien sûr kodi 17, problème résolu.
J'ai mis le stockage des Rom sur anyexternal et j'ai branché mon disque dur habituel avec ma configuration, mes roms, mes bios, saves...
Mais je ne pouvais lancer aucun jeu, retour direct sur es.
J'ai pensé au un problème du disque dur. J'ai donc fait une réparation sur Windows 10, et ça a marché !
J'ai testé quelques jeux, qui ont fonctionné puis j'ai voulu retourner sur kodi. Et là, la manette ne fonctionnait plus. J'ai donc changé le driver pour shanwan via le Web manager et j'ai redémarré. A partir de la, c'était pire, puisque je ne pouvait plus lancer kodi non plus, ni aucun jeu, retour sur Es.
J'ai éteint le pi et Remis ma sd avec mon système stable pour tester et écarter un problème vendu disque dur. Tout fonctionne très bien.Edit: pour le problème de manette sur kodi, c'est plus compliqué : avec le driver bluez5, sur la stable, la manette ps3 ne fonctionne pas sur kodi, que le disque dur soit branché ou non.
Sur la beta, la manette ps3 fonctionne avec le driver bluez5 sur kodi, mais pas si le disque dur est branché. Ça vaudrait le coup que j'efface tous les fichiers de configuration présent sur le dd et que je ne garde que les dossiers Rom, save et bios (et éventuellement les thèmes) pour voir ce que ça donne. -
OK, now, the system is stable. I had some freeze after wifi configuration (need to restart es by webmanager).
In kodi, I pressed r2 to mute, but after is impossible to have sound back.
Some time, after power off the systèm, Black screen. Need to power of by Web manager.
No virtual keybord to do settings in es.But, no bigs troubles !
(I'm sorry, my English is terrible !)
Ça fonctionne bien sur rpi 3b+ rien à dire pour le moment