Solved Adding Mame 2010
Thanks. Do I need a Mame 2010 BIOS?
@frankie842 Best thing will be to read this : -
@gaetan I've placed the Mame 2010 romset folder in my mame folder, and have changed the core to mame2010, but I don't see the games from my mame2010 folder. Do I need to change anything else? Update game list perhaps?
@frankie842 Yes, you need to update the gamelist or restart your Recalbox
@gaetan Ok I updated the gamelist, and restarted recalbox, but the mame2010 games aren't showing. I see them in the recalbox manager, just not on my machine. Any ideas?
@frankie842 are your mame2010 roms in a mame2010 folder inside the mame folder ? Or are the straight in the mame folder ? Are they zip files ?
@gaetan They are in a MAME 0.139 (2010) folder which is inside the mame folder. They are zip files.
Put your roms straight into the mame folder and you should be good to go
@gaetan Still not showing up. Not sure what to do now
@frankie842 is it and official Recalbox image ?
Do you use the Recalbox theme ?
If so, putting your zip mame roms straight in the mame folder (no subfolder!) should make your Mame apprar in ES. -
@gaetan Yes it's an official Recalbox image, and Recalbox theme, and the roms are not in a sub folder. I see other mame games showing up, just not the mame2010 games
Check option gamelist only.
@frankie842 do as @acris said. If it's still not working, please add a screenshot of your mame folder.
Ok I just deleted all the files in that were in there, and reloaded the mame2010 roms and that worked. Thanks for your help. Cheers!
@frankie842 Great, have fun!