Thank you very much dude, you made my day. Renamed it from .ZIP to .zip and everything works fine Yay... let's play some Metal Slug !
Posts made by tr1plx
RE: NEO GEO @ recalbox 4.0.0 beta 2
NEO GEO @ recalbox 4.0.0 beta 2
Hi Folks, I'm using a RPI2 with recalbox v3.3.0-beta17 with a couple of neogeo-games. Working fine with the following config: ## NeoGeo emulator ## You can use pifba or a libretro core (fba2x,libretro) neogeo.emulator=fba2x ## If you set libretro as neogeo.emulator, uncomment the line below and set the retroarch core (fba,imame4all) ;neogeo.core=imame4all I set up a new SD-Card with recalbox 4.0.0 beta 2 (newest Version today) with the same config and same neogeo-Roms but they aren't working at all. Are there some changes in Version 4, maybe the Bios File ? Can anyone provide me a Hash-Sum please ? I have several ROMsets - so which emulator is best choice for Neogeo-System?
RE: [TUTO] Scraper ses ROMs depuis ... sa recalbox, en shell ! also in english
thank you so much man. That saves a hell of a time which can be spent on retrogaming
RE: Need help for Mame / FBA_Libretro / NeoGeo Arcade
Hey Voljega, on github you wrote:
piFBA is the most powerful arcade emulator on recalbox.
It uses the FBA romset version : FBA which is based on MAME 0.114 (April 2007)
- Size : 3.62GB
- Romsets emulated : 684 (no clones in this)
roms folder : fba
From the 684 romset in are not all working, right ? Only those which are mentioned in the list ? So there's no need to copy them all over to recalbox ?
RE: Need help for Mame / FBA_Libretro / NeoGeo Arcade
ok now I'm having a simple and working solution. 1. Save the BestArcade4Recalbox Document as an Excel-File (.xlsx) 2. in Excel go to Tab Mame (0,78) - click on "Data" and sort by color "green" - these are the ones I'm interessted in for this tab. 3. Create a new Column H with formula: ="G:\ROMs\Mame\MAME 0.78"&C2&".zip" and copy this Column in a blank TXT-File called 078_green.txt - You should have exactly 370 FileEntrys of green and working ROMs for Mame. G:\ROMs\Mame\MAME 0.78\ is there my complete 0.78 ROM-Set is stored - you have to change this to your corresponding path 4. Create a Textfile called copy078.bat and edit:
@echo off & setlocal for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("G:\ROMs\Mame\078_green.txt") do copy "%%i" "G:\ROMs\Mame\green078" >nul
5. Open a commandline Tab, cd into the dir of your BAT and execute. You get every 370 game in your DEST-Folder which you can transfer to your recalbox (/recalbox/share/roms/mame)
RE: Need help for Mame / FBA_Libretro / NeoGeo Arcade
ClrMamePro is a good working tool - for me it worked fine after serveral try & errors But no DAT File no Rebuild So I have to check out another solution - do you know If there's a way to sort an excel-file to the background color ?
RE: Need help for Mame / FBA_Libretro / NeoGeo Arcade
ok thanks. Sadly that's not the answer I hoped for... Do you know how to seperate the NEOGEO ? There's no extra tab in the list ? Maybe theres a clrmamepro DAT File for the 0.167 ROM List to rebuild from ?
Need help for Mame / FBA_Libretro / NeoGeo Arcade
Hi recalboxer, I'm following this how-to: It says:
- Now check the BestArcade4Recalbox document and locate which system is the best for the game you want to play :
- if it's in the mame tab, copy the game rom file from your complete 0.78 romset to the mame roms folders
- if it's in the fba_libretro tab, copy the game from your complete 0.167 romset (or 0.161 or any other close to that) into the fba_libretro rom folders
- if it's in the 'not found or not working' tab, well guess what ?
Ok. I have complete Romset 0.78 and 0.167 - I did a rebuild with clrmamepro and the DAT-Files from the corresponding ROM-Folders BUT I haven't figured out how to seperate NEOGEO Roms or the ROMs better work in MAME or FBA_Libretro. Is where a way to seperate them automatically with a tool or have I to sort and upload them manually with the list ?
- Now check the BestArcade4Recalbox document and locate which system is the best for the game you want to play :
USB Soundcard - how to install ?
Hi ! I'm using a DVI Monitor and for Sound 3,5 Jack - but the sound quality is very bad. Is there a way to get a usb soundcard to work ? typing lsusb and after connecting USB sound card there is one more device, but how to configure it ?
RE: Problems with NAS Smaba-Mount
yes, but that's not the Problem mount -t cifs // /mnt/es -o user=username,password=userpass,uid=0,gid=0,rw manually works. but in /etc/fstab // /mnt/es cifs user=username,password=userpass,uid=0,gid=0,rw 0 0 won't work. But then I leave emulationstation using F4 then alt+f2 going to terminal and type mount -a the mount works Maybe I have do write a script in /etc/init.d but I don't know how to. My goal is to mount /recalbox/share to my NAS, beacuse I have too much media for the SD-Card. Can someone please help ? Also should I use cifs or nfs ?
Problems with NAS Smaba-Mount
Hi Recalboxer I'm using this manual: When I mount my samba share manually like this
mount -t cifs //serverip/directory /mountpoint -o user=user,password=password,uid=0,gid=0,rw
everything wirks fine. So share, username and password are correct. But then I edit /etc/fstab
// /recalbox/share cifs user=samba,password=password,uid=0,gid=0,rw 0 0 I get a "NOGAEERRORMESSAGE", because the samba share isn't mount. Any help out there ?