@gnubit la unica solucion que encontre fue esta . Pero cada ves que entramos hay que ir a kodi y salir...y queda dicha resolucion..mi maxima resolucion es 1680x1050
Posts made by seba carp
RE: Menu and Kodi is not full screen on old netbook
RE: Menu and Kodi is not full screen on old netbook
@ash1390 hola pudiste solucionarlo
RE: Menu and Kodi is not full screen on old netbook
@gnubit hi gnubit a mi me sale asi , y se me ve como a el
#!/bin/shmatchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_desktop_mode no -use_lowlight no &
set the keyboard
systemsetting="python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/settings/recalboxSettings.pyc"
settings_lang="$systemsetting -command load -key system.language
"not always true (en_US for us), but it's really better than always english
map_name=$(echo $settings_lang | cut -c 1-2)
setxkbmap "${map_name}"disable dpms to prevent screen to turns blank
xset -dpms
xset s offto disable a video output (multi-screen setup) and prevent ES to be stretcht on all screens,
uncomment the line below, and replace output_name by the output that you want disable on ES startup (ex: HDMI-0)
xrandr --output output_name --off
auto hide cursor each 5 sec of inactivity
hhpc -i 5 &
export HOME=/recalbox/share/system
export LC_ALL="${settings_lang}.UTF-8"without windowed, time must be sleeped to wait that matchbox ended to initialize
exec emulationstation --windowed
RE: Hola gamers tengo un problema con menu de recalbox
@zing hola zing disculpa no sabia. probe las dos vercion de pc 32 y 64. 18.07.13. Me pasas un link de alguna vercion que funcione bien gracias
Hola gamers tengo un problema con menu de recalbox
El tema es que lo booteo por usb en una netbook. Y el menu de recalbox no se ve pantalla completa . En un monitor vga de 22 pulgadas