I know transmission isn't officially supported on recalbox, but I'd just like to ask for a bit of help in case you have an idea of what's going on.
So I installed Transmission by rebuilding recalbox from scratch and adding the transmission package. It was simple enough, if time consuming.
However, when I try to access the API through the Android transmission app, or if I try to access the web interface, I get the error:
403: Forbidden
Unauthorized IP Address.
Either disable the IP address whitelist or add your address to it.
Despite the fact that in my settings.json, the rpc-whitelist is set to *.*.*.* and rpc-whitelist-enabled is set to false.
I can verify this by SSH'ing into recalbox and running
# tranmission-daemon -d
which shows me the current settings that match the json file.
However, I noticed that it starts working if I stop and start the transmission service, using /etc/init.d/S92transmission script:
# /etc/init.d/S92transmission stop
# /etc/init.d/S92transmission start
It seems as if transmission is not picking up the settings on load. Could it be because the settings are on a mounted USB drive, and it gets mounted after transmission loads, so it picks up the default settings instead?
For anyone else trying to get transmission running, when I did get it to run by restarting I initially had problems with the transmission user not having write access to the folders and files under /recalbox/share/system/.configs/transmission n my USB drive (I'm using external storage for games)
I fixed this by changing the transmission user to root in the /etc/init./s92tranmission startup script.
If anyone is interested in a build of rootfs with transmission installed and user set to root I can put it up on my gdrive.