My goal is to play online with Netplay. Looking at the Recalbox wiki, it is informed that NeoGeo, MAME and FBA systems do not need to hash to play, unlike the other supported systems, such as Mega Drive, SNES and etc ...
Latest posts made by ricardoclaus
RE: system can't be hashed
system can't be hashed
Hello people,
Sorry about my English.
Does anyone have any tips with the problem below?I'm having trouble creating hash from roms in Recalbox 6.0 Raspberry pi3.
Systems like Mame, FBA Libretro and NeoGeo do not hash, the other systems hash normally. I don't see any errors on the screen.
I see this information in the logs:
/recalbox/share/system/.emulationstation/es_log.txt[2019/08/31 03:36:48.419] (INFO ) : system "fba_libretro" can't be hashed
[2019/08/31 03:36:48.480] (INFO ) : system "mame" can't be hashed
[2019/08/31 03:36:48.541] (INFO ) : system "neogeo" can't be hashed
[2019/08/31 03:36:48.604] (INFO ) : Hashing games from XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/pcengine/gamelist.xml"... -
RE: Organize roms Mame
@zing Thank you for your help. I will proceed as you instructed.
RE: Organize roms Mame
@olivierdroid92 Thanks for the tip, I'll read the material you indicated.
Organize roms Mame
Guys, in Recalbox 6, how do I organize all roms for MAME? Recalbox 6 is compatible with several versions of MAME 2003, 2010 iMameAll and etc ... Should I put all romsets in a specific folder?
RE: Gamelist generated incorrect
Thanks for the answer.
My question, would be the string "-image" added to the path of the .png file
I believe that with this additional string, the system can not find the file. -
Gamelist generated incorrect
Hello guys,
I installed the new Recalbox 6.0 on Raspberry pi 3.
I noticed that many scrapper images were missing. I tried to generate new scrappers by Recalbox itself, but they are still absent.
I looked at the gamelist.xml file.
After Recalbox generated the scrappers, gamelist.xml was updated, generating inconsistencies.In the <image> tag, the "-image" characters were added to the scrapper image name.
<image>./downloaded_images/1941j-image.png</ image>This is why the images do not appear because the .png file name is incorrect.
Is this information correct? -
RE: Conectar controle Wii u pro via bluetooth interno
Tentei fazer o procedimento indicado, porem, não consegui parear o controle.
Pena que não tenho nenhum adaptador bluetooth para testar. -
RE: Conectar controle Wii u pro via bluetooth interno
@azvarel Tentei sincronizar conforme sua instrução, mas não deu certo. O Recalbox não reconhece o controle. Tentei reset no controle e em seguida sincronizar, também não deu certo. Este controle não é original do Wii u pro. É preciso alterar algo no recalbox.conf ?
Conectar controle Wii u pro via bluetooth interno
É possível utilizar um controle de Nintendo Wii u pro via bluetooth interno do Raspberry Pi3 Recalbox 4.1 ?
Se sim, alguém poderia me informar quais os passos para configurar?
Tentei configurar do mesmo modo que é configurado o controle de Ps3, mas sem sucesso.