Hi ryuuji, Don't worry I've explored every routes. I have even installed a gparted live bootable distribution on a USB key so I could format my microSD under Linux - with gparted. The raspberry pi 2 is just very fussy with microSD cards, it's heavily reported : https://github.com/raspberrypi/noobs/issues/230 I am using another card (a samsung) and it's working fine now. But my point was: if you have a card that looks incompatible with the pi 2, you can sometimes circumvent the problem by mounting an image (as opposed to installing a distribution/OS). As you suggest I would have indeed used Win32diskimager. But to do that I need a *.img of recalbox ! The link you send doesn't contain any image, it is to install recalbox (the distribution): and that gives me an error with my 7dayshop card. So I was wondering whether a *.img of recalbox was available anywhere on the site or github.
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RE: Mounting a recalbox image on SD card ?
RE: Mounting a recalbox image on SD card ?
I thought maybe digitalLumberjack would have a section on the site - or github - with a recalboxOS image to mount. Or that there'd be a repository somewhere. Especially that there is now a indeed a cloning tutorial https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-os/wiki/Clone-your-SD-card-(EN) I have the classical Raspberry pi 2 type B most of you are running I guess. The pi2 sensitivity to microSD cards really is annoying.
RE: Mounting a recalbox image on SD card ?
Yes ryuuji, exactly. If instead of installing a recalboxOS I could mount an image, this may solve the problem. It seems to be working in some case for those using N00bs. I guess my question is: where could I find a recalbox image to mount ? Or would someone be nice enough to send me their image ? Thanks, Alex
Mounting a recalbox image on SD card ?
Hi all, I am one of the unfortunate owner of a (yet!) non-compatible microSD card on the Raspberry Pi 2 (a 64Gb microSD from 7dayshop). Before you ask, running on windows 7, yes I've done everything right: SDcardformatter with quick and full erase, checking the format size adjustment "on" option, then GUI format 32. 64Gb is extra fun and I've had the privilege to experiment other solutions: Diskpart and h2format, or using the minitools partition wizard software to try different partition sizes (a primary slightly less than 8Gb 2 x 32Gb or). The latter was the best. Point being many users - including our favourite lumberjack with his 8Gb noname - are in my situation, and we all hope NOOBS 1.5 will solve the issue. In the meantime, some users of "core" NOOBS have been able to circumvent this issue by mounting an image of their OS... and I've seen a recent feature allowing recalbox users to clone their SD card. Pardon the possible stupidity of my question, but would it be possible to mount a disk image of a successfully installed RecalboxOS ?? For those with the infamous "mks.fat failed whilst writing reserved sector" like me, the idea would be to use Win32diskimager to mount an image of a working "virgin" recalbox. This virgin recalboxOS image could be that you get just after install the first time, maybe even with the silent option (ie no keyboard option). Would that be possible ? I am aware that the whole thing maybe unstable afterwards, or generate corrupt files etc... but it is worth trying. Even if there's a 10% chance of success, it's better than no recalbox at all ! Thanks all