@Substring well, I tried to set the volume through alsamixer (and amixer too). No sound.
Any advice of what I could test next?
@Substring well, I tried to set the volume through alsamixer (and amixer too). No sound.
Any advice of what I could test next?
@substring yes, multiple times
As much as I understood, it seems that we can't set volume through ES. So if I change the volume in ES, close the sound panel and reopen, volume is set back to 0. It is the expected behavior with hifiberry card, right?
I can provide you dmesg output and other stuff tonight.
Hi @Substring
I also have a rpi3 with a hifiberry dacplus. I have no sound either.
I followed the instructions found here. With the old hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo
file, the card now shows up in reacalbox UI and alsamixer. (I got the device tree file here https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/b4b1f641ba1290bdf275b99922e16c0194a8e54b/boot/overlays)
But I can't have any sound. I tried to move up every sliders in alsamixer, but still no sound. Am I missing something?