@Keruwb i mean recalbox 9.1 pulstar
Posts made by Keruwb
Strange lines next to rom titles
I am using recalbox 9.1-pulstar
On rasberry pi4Next to my rom titles there is strange line there. Wasnt
doing that before. Any ideas where this comes from?It will write something like : B!rea!th |of |f!ire but more subtle line
Bluetooth controller disable
So, since long, I am still trying to connect properly my 8bitdo pro 2 controller, but it keeps disconnecting or having any kind of problem. So I got the 8bitdo dongle. Well, instead of connecting to the dongle, it tries to connect to the inboard bluetooth instead. I tried plugging my controller in the usb port instead, still tries to connect by bluetooth.
Option : Trying to disable inboard bluetooth but i don't find how. I found a place where is says like enable_bluetooth=1 so i put 0, but nothing changes.
Recalbox latest version 8.something
Rasberry pi4 -
8bitdo pro 2 bug
So, i was playing before (couple of months ago) with my 8bitdo pro 2 on X input, never had any problems for more than a year. Then, couple of months ago, it starts bugging while playing nes games, or snes games (I was mainly playing that).
Mainly, when i press left or right for example, the controller will bug and make it like the button is stuck and makes me go right right right right right..... ok i think you get it.
So I tried on my pc (could be my controller that has a problem... you know, baby dropping it on the floor, salivating on it and so on...). Well, it works well, with the same rom i was playing on recalbox (I am playing with a rasberry pi 4 as an arcade).
So then I went back to the same game on recalbox using different emulators... same problem.
Lastly, I tried to change the X-input to D... same thing again.
So, it is not my controller, it is not the emulators... must be the recalbox bluetooth that is bugging or any kind of problem coming from the latest update? Wish i could try another bluetooth controller to see if i get the same problem..
Anyone has that problem? A way to fix this?
RE: Recalbox 9.0 Pulsar Controller not working in games only
@Aaron-Paluzzi similar issue here. I tought it was because of my 8bitdo pro 2 controller butbit seems it is the update to recalbox 9.0.
Something my controller will connect to the recalbox with x input, sometime not. When it does, i will play (rightnow megaman 3 on nes) and it will work vut enventually it stops working, then works again then stops etc. Wont reconnect if i turn off the controller and turn it on again. I cant play at all with it and it is the only purpose of that controller for me.
Tv opening automatically when arcade turn on
Before, when i turn on my arcade, the tv automatically opens via my eArc hdmi. Now that i reinstallwd it from scratch, it is not doing that. Which file i am missing and where to put it to make it work?
Controller input
I have a minor problem with recalbox 8.1.1.
When i connect my 8bitdo pro 2 controller, it doesnt change automatically to input 1. I need to do it manually everytime.
But before I reinstall everything (because i had an der version and the update dis not work), the input 1 and 2 were the arcade buttons and joystick but when i connect a controller like my 8bitdo, the new connected controller change automatically to input 1 (the system understand that i want to use it as my primary control since i just conntected it).
Anyway to fix this? Yes i did put 8bitdo as Input 1 but after a restart, it becomes input 3, even after connecting the controller.
RE: Recalbox 8 - bug 8bitdo sn30 pro v2
@arnaudlef97 wow finally it has something to do with the controller that my retroarch takes 30 sec to open. I restarted my arcade and i DID NOT connect my controller and it was fine. Then i go back to the menu, connect my controller and it takes 30 secs.
RE: Recalbox 8 - bug 8bitdo sn30 pro v2
@arnaudlef97 wow now any emulator using retro arch takes 30 seconds to open. Even if i disconnect my remote. What happened to my retroarch? Crazy stuff.
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
@keruwb well tought it was fixed.
After a day not usingnit, i come back to it and the remote does not connect. So i pair it again but not i have massive problem with the remote within retro arch. What could have happen while it was turned off -_-
Anyone can recommend me a controller thatbworks without a problem?
RE: Recalbox 8 - bug 8bitdo sn30 pro v2
@arnaudlef97 rasberry pi4 sur une console arcade oandora. J avais enfin reussi a “regler” le probleme justement en mode android. J ai la version a jour. Et j ai desactivé lnoption de la manette ps3 sur le manager (en rentrant l adresse ip dans mon ordi).
Ca marchait a merveille. Pis la, j ouvre mon arcade et ma manette connecte pas. Bon, je reconnecte bluetooth. Quand je rentre dans psx ou n64, pas mal les plus important d avoir ine manette, ma manette ne connecte pas lorsque je rentre dans le jeu. Je dois fermer et reouvrir la manette. Je dois la remapper parce que ca bug (genre bouton trop sensible). Ensuite mon l2 et r2 est trop sensible, wuand j appui sur mon hotkey, ca change de shader meme si j ai changé le profil de la manette pour mettre les boutons l2 et r2 au moins sensible. Et le joystick de droit j arrive pas a mapper droit et gauche.
Pourquoi tout ses problemes arrive apres une journée nonnutilisée? Aucune idée. Mais la je pense retourner la manette. Du coup, j ai aucune idée quelle manette pourrait bien fonctionner ici.
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
I went to my pc and go to the manager by typing the ip of my recalbox. In controller there is ps3 i desactivated it. Then restarted everything, and forgot my bluetooth controller, put it back to android and paired again and now it is working just fine.
RE: Recalbox 8 - bug 8bitdo sn30 pro v2
moi je viens de m<acheter une manette 8bitdo sn30 pro 2. Lorsque je branche en tant que Switch, Android ou X-input, j'arrive à la connecter, et tout marche à la merveille. Mais lorsque j'essaie de redémarrer la manette ou bien recalbox, la manette se branche en tant que Playstation(R)3 et rien ne fonctionne.
Normalement sur Switch elle se connecte initialement en tant que : Pro Controller
Sur Android : 8bitdo
Sur X-input : Xbox one SMais lorsque redémarré, elle se branche toujours en tant que Playstation(R)3 et rien ne marche. Je vais retourner la manette si il n'y a pas de solution à ca.
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
@zing sorry i already browse does and my answer is not there.
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
I tried as a switch controller now. Works great. But then again same problem when i turn it off and on it connects as a ps3 controller and nothing works.
Overall, whatever the mode i use, it works, but need to repair everytime since it wants to connect as ps3 controller. Can i remove a core file, or edit it, to remove the ps3 controller option?
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
I tried ising d input instead. Samething, i am able to pair as 8bitdo pro 2 and works great. If i close it and turn it on it pairs as playstation(r)3 controller (but i dont see the pop up that it connected). Nothing works on the controller and if i press something it stays paired but nothing works. I know it is paired as ps3 controller only because i can see it in the input setting and when i turn it off it says ps3 unplugged.
RE: 8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
@keruwb now it just tries to connect as a playstation 3 then unplug after pressing anything. It does not connect as a xbox controller after that. Yes i am using x input. The remote seems to works great with my switch and my pc (i unpaired it to the pc since they are both using x input, i just tried to test it there). So clearly the problem is within recalbox thatbidentifies it as ps3 controller instead of xbox. I will repeat it: when i pair it it pairs as a xbox controller and works great. But closing and turning it back on makes it try to connect as ps3 (and says it connect) but then unconnect when anything is pressed.
8bitdo pro 2 malfunction
I just got a 8bitdo pro 2. I updated it to 1.05 version. I pair it to my pandora pi arcade(using pi4 and recalbox). So in recalbox i have no problem to pair it. Once paired, it says Xbox One S controller jas been plugged. Hurray, everything works fine.
Then i turn off the controller. When i turn it in again, it says Xbox One S controller has been plugged (like it is suppose to be). But when i press any button, it says it has been unplugged. I wait a bit and then it says Playstation(R)3 controller has been plugged…. Nothing works at this point. Then it says Playstation(r) controller has been unplugged. After couple of seconds it goes back to Xbox One S controller has been plugged and then it works properly. I need to go through that everytime i reopen the controller. Yes it is working, put it s annoying as hell. Dunno why it detects it as xbox then unplug and detect has playststion unplug and go back to xbox.
Anyone have this issue and know how to fix it?
RE: Retroarch (within Recalbox) using an arcade controller problem
@zing thanks i found how to fix it. I can't update the recalbox on my arcade machine (that's the first thing i did when i received it and it buggued and couldn't reuse the sd card).
I just needed to go in controller and choose the input of each remote. It was really simple.
Retroarch (within Recalbox) using an arcade controller problem
So, I have a recalbox within my arcade station. I have a huge problem when comes the time to use a controller. I would like Retroarch to see that a controller is plugged (or connected via bluetooth) and put it into port 1 with his previously saved mapping buttons. Normally, with retroarch on the pc i have no difficulty with this. But since im using an arcade, it sees that there is 2 remote already plugged in (2 players arcade) so even if i connect a 3rd remote, i always need to manually change it to port 1, then map the buttons all the time because it won<t remember them (it will actually keep the mapping fromt he arcade remote who was previously on port 1).
Any idea how to fix this? I tried many things and they are all making things worse.