@SmashDde , what you describe seems to be correct.
Check if the device listing shows more than one entry/name. If yes, you must try them all.
I used this method to setup my iPac2, and I remember only one of the strings worked.

Best posts made by jonas
RE: USB Keyboard Encoder "Dual Strike" ArcadeForge
IPac2 not working with Recalbox 6.0
Has anyone managed to get an Ipac2 working with v6.0 ?
After some struggle configuring version 4.x, some two years ago (see this topic), I got my Ipac2 working perfectly.
It also worked fine with versions 18xxxx.
But once moved to v6.0 and after going again through the same tutorial, it looks like the new version of Recalbox broke something, as now my Ipac2 is not detected anymore. Nothing is visible/detected inside EmulationStation.
Any ideas?
RE: IPac2 not working with Recalbox 6.0
I went through the mini-howto again, and tested with evtest . It detected the two sets of sticks+buttons provided by Ipac2, each one registering separately.
It's just EmulationStation which does not detect two X-Arcade controls out of the box, as it did before 6.0. It looks like now we have to manually remap the two Ipac2 sticks+buttons inside EmulationStation, in order for these to get registered properly. -
RE: IPac2 not working with Recalbox 6.0
Confirmed, it works exactly as in 18.xx.xx and 4.x .
I got confused because my standard gamepad was detected "as is" and EmulationStation immediately shows it in the list of available controllers. But for the IPAC2, after going through the creation of the fake files, we still need to invoke and conclude the remapping in order for the two IPAC2 built-in controllers to be displayed in that same list!...Regards
RE: IPac2 not working with Recalbox 6.0
Hi @SmashDde
I read through your posts in the other thread, but I have no idea how to help you. In my case, getting the ipac2 to work with 6.0 was just a matter of creating the correct dummy file and remapping the P1 controller in RecalBox, using the standard procedure inside EmulationStation (pressing a button to detect, then filling the remap table). Not much to describe here.
For the record, I also own a DualStrike v3 single player encoder, from ArcadeForge, and it also works fine with Recalbox, using the same X-Arcade "driver".
I remember having some problems with "disappearing" buttons, but these were due to bad wiring/soldering/terminal contacts near the iPac2. After checking my wires, I retested the encoder in Windows, using a proper keyboard tester utility, and made myself sure the encoder, wiring, P1/P2 buttons and sticks really worked as intended.
Once hardware problems are totally sorted out, if you still have your encoder detected as keyboard, then the dummy file may be incorrect. In my case, I had two options for the filename, but only one worked - see the mini HowTo for details.
If this still does not work, the only conclusion is that we have a encoder incompatibility with Recalbox... that would be really bad luck
RE: USB Keyboard Encoder "Dual Strike" ArcadeForge
I have an Arcade Forge Dual Strike encoder, and I can confirm this is a real problem in RB. The joystick movements register twice, unless you tap it really quickly. In my case, the encoder is set up as a standard 8 button gamepad (not as a keyboard), and it's possible, but not easy, to configure the directions correctly. The 8 buttons are working fine.
Btw, the encoder works perfectly under Windows or Lakka, so it's not a hardware problem. This looks like some timing issue in the 4 directions. -
RE: USB Keyboard Encoder "Dual Strike" ArcadeForge
@SmashDde You're welcome. I know what you mean, I have another keyboard encoder and these things are really a pain in the a** to get configured properly. Sometimes it's just a tiny forgotten detail that makes them work, so we keep trying again and again...
But in our particular cases, it looks like nothing can be done without help of the devs. The ArcadeForge encoders are "asking" to be fixed since Recalbox 4.0, I think, but because these are not mass-produced commercial products, widely available and with a lot of users, not much information can be found and they do not attract that much interest -
RE: USB Keyboard Encoder "Dual Strike" ArcadeForge
Last time I used my iPac2, I was still on Recalbox 6.x. Meanwhile, I had my devices stowed away, and now I reassembled my control panel just to verify if they work. I checked again with 7.1.1, and I can confirm the iPac2 does not work anymore. It behaves like a plain simple keyboard. My iPac2 controller is very old, pre-2015, no fancy firmware updates to check, but has always worked fine.
D**n. Time to try another retrogaming distro. -
RE: IPac2 not working with Recalbox 6.0
@smashdde, good to know!
From my experience, the troubles with the encoders have always been due to tiny, f***ing, missed details, from taking wrong shortcuts, and so on... 8-P