Solved by using a RPi3 intead of RPi2!
Posts made by j7yzjhk28z
RE: Raspberry Pi crackling / stuttering sound
RE: Raspberry Pi crackling / stuttering sound
Thanks @Scavy for your answer!
No I don't use any shader ; I don't know what it is.
I just did a default RecalBox 7 installation.
Steps to reproduce the error :
- Take a RaspberryPi 2 (or maybe 3 as well)
- Install RecalBox 7
- Launch any super nintendo ('snes') game (in fact it's the same with megadrive games)
- Use the default HDMI video/audio output
- You will hear distorded sound
Raspberry Pi crackling / stuttering sound
I've installed Recalbox 7 Reloaded on my Raspberry Pi 2. The interface is very good, and the background music is playing normally without any problem while in the Recalbox interface (game chooser, etc.).
However, when I start a game (ex: a SNES game) the sound is distorded / crackling / stuttering.
The FPS is quite high ( > 30).
How to solve this?
RE: Recalbox works fine with RCA video+audio, but black screen when starting a game...
Solution: the problem was that it's NOT /boot/recalbox-boot.conf that should modified but this:
Recalbox works fine with RCA video+audio, but black screen when starting a game...
First of all, congrats for Recalbox which looks great!Here is what I've done so far:
- downloaded the latest image (Recalbox 18.07.13) and wrote it to a micro SD card
- removed
+ addedhdmi_ignore_hotplug=1
; addedglobal.videomode=default
- successful boot on my Raspberry Pi 2 connected with RCA / jack 3.5mm to my old TV : the image and sound works
- I can browse the different emulators / games with a USB gamepad
Problem: when I start a game, the screen goes black and nothing happens...
It's kind of strange since it's a totally standard unmodified RPi2, standard recalbox 18.7.13 image, etc... What would be the reason?