I always have had a lot of troubles with audio output since 7.x.x versions, but I "solved" it connecting the speakers to the audio jack connector instead of HDMI (Display Port) audio out... and I can hear my games, so nothing important 
A few days ago, I made a fresh install of RB 7.1.1... Everything worked fine (network, games, bios, audio...) but, suddenly, audio stopped working. After a few hours checking configs I surrended, no way to hear sound.
Ok, no problem, let's start again... I have made a (another) fresh install of RB 7.1.1 x86_64 and when I have rebooted 4 times in 5 minutes (for configuring system languaje, WIFI...) SOUND HAS STOPPED AGAIN!!!
It has no sense for me, I don't understand why reason everything works fine but in a few reboots it has stopped.
By the way, I have tried to solve audio output, but I can't create asound.conf at /etc (I have readed and followed all forum threads). If I reboot, asound.conf have dessapear!
Any help please will be welcome, I am getting mad!