Hi chamilonster, yes exactly. Would be nice if you tell us how you did that.

Best posts made by ChristianK
RE: KODI shortcut alongside game system shortcuts
Latest posts made by ChristianK
RE: Keyboard and WLAN works, Gamepad not, vice versa with another usb hub?!
I have testet two more USB-Hubs with GL850G chip. Then I found the problem!
It was not the incompatibility with the chip, it was the power supply!
A power supply with 2A or better 2.5A or 3A is needed! OMG -
RE: KODI shortcut alongside game system shortcuts
Hi chamilonster, yes exactly. Would be nice if you tell us how you did that.
Keyboard and WLAN works, Gamepad not, vice versa with another usb hub?!
Hi Recalbox-Community,
I have bought the following 4-Port OTG-USB-Hub and connect it to my Raspberry Pi Zero (v1.3).
The keyboard and wlan stick works, but the Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad will not be detected.Okay, so I bought another 4-Port USB-Hub (this time a Speedlink SL-7416-SWT with GL850G chip).
Now the Gamepad is working, but keyboard and wlan stick are not detected. WTF!? 0oThis must be a bad joke! I'm really annoyed!
What I am doing wrong? And how can I fix it?
BTW: I am using recalboxOS 4.0.0 (final).
Thanks & best regards,
Chris -
Tastatur und WLAN-Stick erkannt, Gamepad nicht, vice versa mit anderem Hub?!
Hi Recalbox-Community,
ich habe mir folgenden 4-Port OTG-USB-Hub bestellt und an meinem Raspberry Pi Zero (v1.3)
angeschlossen. Tastatur und der WLAN-Stick werden erkannt, aber das Buffalo Classic USB
Gamepad nicht.Dachte mir, okay vermutlich inkompatibel, also habe ich einen weiteren, aktiven 4-Port USB-Hub
von Speedlink bestellt (Modell: SL-7416-SWT mit GL850G USB 2.0 Controller) und mittels OTG-
Adapter angeschlossen, diesmal funktioniert das Gamepad, aber Tastatur und WLAN-Stick
werden nicht mehr erkannt! 0o WTF?!?Das kann nur ein schlechter Scherz sein!
Hat jemand eine Idee? How to fix it?
PS: Ich verwende recalboxOS 4.0.0 (final).