Thanks, that's what I thought. Doesn't seem to be copying anything over though. Does it have to be formatted a certain way? My external is on a powered USB hub and it read it once and made a folder with nothing in it. First it was formatted Fat32 then I tried NTFS. Fat32 seemed to read as it was an option in system settings. NTFS just shows a star. Thanks for your help I'll keep messing with it, if not I can always go back to a previous version where it did work through fstab. Just thought I'd try this version because of the USB support. On the previous latest beta i had a weird problem where I would loose sound on reboot with strange. Oh well thanks!
Latest posts made by ceedub
RE: USB mount in 4.0
USB mount in 4.0
Sorry if this has been answered already, but how would I go about loading roms from USB as in previous versions? Can't seem to find any info on this yet (I know it's still early for 4.0, still). Everything works great so far other than that. Thanks