first of all, big thank you for the Recalbox v7.x version, it surely is an emulator dream come true in so many aspects.
However, there is still an issue with the included version of Kodi, you forgot to build it with virtual filesystem support, aka VFS so content in .rar format isn't possible to either scan nor play. Can you please update that in the coming version of Recalbox, or give me a hand so I can do it myself. This issue was reported before. Some material is just rar:ed, not for compression but for releasing.
Using x64 version of Recalbox 7.2.2.
If not possible to include this in your own version, can you please give me a tutorial on how to build/compile my own Recalbox so I can include that by myself? Would be very appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
(was posted in general before, but this category I guess is better suited)