@substring said in Switching image from LCD to HDMI when connected:
@nijate there is someone else having the very same problem as you and whom i answered yesterday.
If you.re using NOOBS, edit the /boot/config.txt to disable "display_force_hdmi", something like that.
The next problem is regarding N64 which runs at 640x480 in the default settings as well as dreamcast. They will look bad on the 7" i'm afraid if they even run ...
Well I tried all of these things. As I mentioned display_default_lcd=0 was the clue for Debian but could not be used for Recalbox or Libreelec. Hm.
I have to say I'm kind of happy with the N64 output. I put n64.videomode=default in the recalbox.conf and now everything displays fine. The only problem is: The image is on the left side of the screen and not in the middle. Well depends. On a few games (and seemingly different cores used) it is in the middle. I really don't get a clue why, haha. But it doesn't bother me, because the resolution is 4:3 nontheless and as soon as one plays you don't notice the screen anymore. But graphics and speed is superb!
Thanks anyways. I hope there will be a solution soon, it would be too nice. 
@voljega Thank you. Well, I just have to wait till someone with true knowledge of scripts and coding has the same problem as me and just writes a script, hehe.