Spotify player in the list of emulators ?
I would like to know if it could be possible to write an "emulator" for the Spotify player, or other streaming services. Instead of having to launch Kody, it would be awesome to just have Spotify in the list of emulator, like the other systems. (that would make it easier for my family to use it)Antoine
@ttoine a spotify client that can be controller with a gamepad ? I'm afraid you're expecting a little too much
No. I just would like to launch Spotify streaming with my gamepad.
And then control Spotify from my smartphone or my pc, asking it to play through the Recalbox/emulationstation device, like any other compatible streaming device.
That would just turn emulationstation into a streaming device, like a connected hifi amp that can be used to stream Spotify
don't think we'll add someday this kind of feature.
maybe is there a koddi addon to do that. -
it's just that koddi UI really sucks... and Emulation Station UI is slick, really simple and easy to use for people like my wife, my kids.
@ttoine yeah but recalbox is a retrogaming distribution, not a smartphone os
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