ODROID-XU4 vs ODROID C2 vs Raspberry Pi 3
@marcdk XU4 + its power supply, yeah. Remember it has no sound output, it just goes through HDMI
@Substring I just ordered mine. Should be here by the end of next week. Then I will see if Soul Calibur runs in 60 FPS. Any idea how to switch on shadows for Soul Calibur and the Dreamcast emulator.
@marcdk this is an emulator bug, not some kind of switch that you can turn on
@voljega Is this so? Maybe it is just switched of because it should run primary on a Raspberry Pi?
@marcdk And another thing: NullDC can run Soul Calibur with shadows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_sWZaJF1k0
@marcdk no I don't think so, I don't think there is a menu like in the PSP emulator where you can fine tweaks aspects of the game and the emulation... we just have to wait for reicast to evolve into a better emulator in pi / odroid
I asked in the forum: http://dcemulation.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=104462 Maybe someone can help. But I think you are right and it is a core issue.
@marcdk Since my post got upvoted... here is the comparision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8YNnhggYcQ
Blog post is in german: https://marc.tv/recalbox-odroid-xu4-vs-raspberry-pi-3/