The Seiken Den Setsu 3 Problem (3 player)
Hi! This is a very specific problem and i dont know how to solve it.
First of all, i try to play Seiken den Setsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) german patched with 3 player hack.
In general it works on Windows with snes9x 1.54, so the file seems to be ok.
On recalbox the default core is snex9x_next (snes9x 2010; v. 1.52) and only P1 and P2 can move.
if i change the core the snes9x 2002 it works, but the screen looks blurry.
After that, i installed retroarch on windows 10 and test it again with both cores + snes9x 2005.
Ive got these results:
- 2002 works with P3
- 2005 works also with P3.
- 2010 can't handle P3
Is there a way to add the snes9x 2005 core to recalbox? Or an updated version of the snes9x core ?
Thanks in advance!
@zemus Of course you can add a core by yourself if you can compile it or download it
@zemus well, probably, but I can't tell for sure. I haven't tried them but a few ones + you'd be on your own to try/test/setup etc ...
This Site is a BIG step in the right direction
Thank You!
I will try it as soon as i can.
Just want to say that it works perfectly now!
- got the snes9x2005 core from the site
- add to corelist /usr/lib/libretro
- add corename to es_systems.cfg
Thanks again!
@zemus i'm glad you could mak it on your own
Take care, your es_systems.cfg will be erased on updates
Thx for the reminder. Is there a permanent solution for this? Some custom override file or something?
@zemus I can't recomment the other solution I know as you would not get the updates on that file ...