Unsolved Amiga, Stand der Dinge?
Not tomorrow - evening alone
... time to test something
#1: Change ADF-Filename (directory) and path in gamelist.xml. PNG is the "old" one (spaces)
Filename of ADF: Mortal_Kombat_II_(Disk_1_of_4).adf
Filename of PNG: Mortal Kombat II (Disk 1 of 4).png
<- recognized / Work ... But ... Disk 2,3,4 not... of course ... adflauncher.sh want "Disk x" not "Disk_x".
#2: 1 + Underline ONLY between Disk and x
Mortal_Kombat_II_(Disk 1_of_4).adf
Mortal_Kombat_II_(Disk 2_of_4).adf
Filename of PNG: Mortal Kombat II (Disk 1 of 4).png [spaces]
Works#3: 1+2 + rename Filename-IMAGE (downloaded_images and gamelist)
Mortal_Kombat_II_(Disk 1_of_4).adf
Mortal_Kombat_II_(Disk 1_of_4).png
=> don't workONLY images...png in df0-df3
Manually Change the PATH/File.adf is not an solution
adflauncher has a problem with downloaded_images/ ...
Searches adflauncher for the first occurrence (?) of first characters (M in Mortal) to disk 1 in gamelist.xml ?!Test:
Delete IMAGE-Entrys in gamelist. No more change on filename (png, adf; see #3)
=> don't work.
=> adflauncher get the IMAGE-Filenames not from gamelist.xml. It looks in downloaded_images ... but why?No idea anymore
Games with only ONE Disk works. PNG and ADF with "same" Name (png in downloaded_images of course). Only Multidisk-Games have this Problem.
@wulfman oooooh I might have an idea and this indeed could be a bug
but first are you sure you have the latest version ?
to see if my idea is correct it should work if you put your game in a subfolder (which is what i'm using) don't forget to modify your scrape accordingly but the images should stay in ./download_images off course
then it should work in every case
@voljega said in Amiga, Stand der Dinge?:
@wulfman oooooh I might have an idea and this indeed could be a bug
but first are you sure you have the latest version ?
to see if my idea is correct it should work if you put your game in a subfolder (which is what i'm using) don't forget to modify your scrape accordingly but the images should stay in ./download_images off course
then it should work in every case
Subfolder work!
"Same" Name for PNG/ADF
PNG in ./downloaded_images/
ADF in ./California Games/California Games Disk 1.adfMy Version are 8 days old - i think it is the latest
@wulfman ok good
then if you modified line 88 in adflauncher.sh :
find "$romPath" -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
to :
find "$romPath" -maxdepth 0 -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
it should correct the bug. good catch !
ich habe das Thema zwar größtenteils verfolgt, aber werde nicht ganz schlau daraus. Gibt es nun eine sichere Möglichkeit den Amiga sprich amiga4recalbox unter Version 4.1 zum laufen zu bekommen? Wenn ja, kann es nochmal jemand für Dumme Schritt für Schritt erklären?Danke schonmal.
@benuildo yes it seems to be still working on 4.1 and you can use still use my instructions to use it.
if they are too complicated for you, then you'll have to wait for official integration
@voljega said in Amiga, Stand der Dinge?:
@wulfman ok good
then if you modified line 88 in adflauncher.sh :
find "$romPath" -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
to :
find "$romPath" -maxdepth 0 -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
it should correct the bug. good catch !
WORKS! ... but ... for some reasons i've started a clean-install with Recalbox 4.1. I use your tut - your files (without any changes!)). No games won't start. Directly back to ES.
rm: can't remove '/recalbox/share/ram/uae4arm/conf/adfdir.conf': No such file or directory
rm: can't remove '/recalbox/share/ram/uae4arm/conf/uaeconfig.uae': No such file or directory
./uae4arm: error while loading shared libraries: libsndfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory=> libsndfile.so.1 ?! Don't exist in your libs ...
=> can't remove ... you delete this files before create them. No Error.I worked through the adflauncher.sh manually => no problems - until
=> ./uae4arm: error while loading shared libraries: libsndfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryAfter the 4.1 >update< I had no problems. However, I noticed that the update is faulty (files were not copied etc.; kill gamepad-config etc.) so I made a clean-install (new microSD). Can it be that the update keeps the libsnd.1.o of 4.0.2, but cleaninstall doesn't have this file?
The 4.0.2 -> 4.1 MicroSD:
./uae4arm: /usr/lib/libasound.so.2: no version information available (required by /lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0)
./uae4arm: /usr/lib/libasound.so.2: no version information available (required by /lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0)
Amiberry build 2017-01-08, by Dimitris (MiDWaN) Panokostas and Olly Aigner
Recalbox 4.1 (update from 4.02)find -name libsndfile.so.1 -maxdepth 100
Recalbox 4.1 (cleaninstall)
find -name libsndfile.so.1 -maxdepth 100
=> nothing foundI've copied the libsndfile.so.1 from 4.02 to /usr/lib/ from 4.1
=> WORKsYour Guide works only with 4.0x an update to 4.1. - not with clean install 4.1 ...
When is the official support coming?
@wulfman good catch again
Yes the version you're using was done for 4.0 and even started on 3.2..
Official integration is indeed coming somehow and much more stable and refined but maybe it's gonna take a while before recalbox team has time to look into it
If you know python a little and recalbox configgen too you can have an early glimpse of it on my github
I received requests for the file xxx. I will upload them somewhere today or tomorrow and post the link here.
If you still have an old Recalbox 4.02 lying around, you can copy the file from there by yourself. Path /usr/lib/ => libsndfile.so.1 ... Destination @ 4.1: /lib/
Mich erreichten Nachfragen zur libsndfile.so.1 ... ich lade diese heute oder morgen irgendwo hoch (vorher nicht in der nähe meiner recalbox) und stelle den Link dann hier ein.
Wer auf einer microSD noch die 4.02 hat, kann die sich dort selber rausziehen. Der Pfad: /usr/lib/libsndfile.so.1 .... Zielverzeichnis in 4.1 => /lib/
ONLY for Recalbox 4.1 cleaninstall. Update-Version from 4.0x to 4.1 has this file already!
- download libsndfile.so.7z and extract
- ssh (via WinSCP) to your Recalbox
- /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop
- mount -o remount, rw /
- Copy libsndfile.so.1 to [ROOT]/lib/ ... [same directory which use by voljegas tutorial for "his" lib-Files]
- shutdown -r now
=> Let's Play (i hope!)
@voljega : No ... i don't have know-how in python or configgen
Are "your" libs actually only used by uae? I unfortunately didn't check if something was "overwritten" during the upload... if the official support comes, I want to clean up /lib/G.
@wulfman yeah don't worry when the official support will come, uaerm binary will automatically draw its dependencies at compilation time, so no need to bother with missing libraries anymore
thank you for the lib
Hi voljega, hubi, abunille, Wulfman and the others!
First of all I want to thank voljega for his work! I have read the whole thread, wich was very interesting.
Currently I am setting up a fresh install on a pi3 with 4.0.1 to get the amiga games runnigI got a question regarding your guide @voljega :
"mkdir ram at /recalbox/share (this will be used by the script has a ram drive)" Does this mean, I have to create a directory named "mkdir" at the corresponding path?Thank you for your help!
Danni -
mkdir = make Directory
The Folder must have the nameram
@abunille Aaaahhh, wie offensichtlich. hihi, danke!
Ich berichte später mal, ob es läuft. -
Viel Erfolg -
@abunille Hat super geklappt! Danke nochmal!
Gerne, viel Spaß beim zocken
@danni so I get everything's working fine then ?
No, not only fine!
I would say, GREAT -
@voljega Yes, GREAT! :))) Thanks!