@voljega said in Amiga, Stand der Dinge?:
@wulfman ok good
then if you modified line 88 in adflauncher.sh :
find "$romPath" -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
to :
find "$romPath" -maxdepth 0 -name "$prefix*" | sort | while read i
it should correct the bug. good catch !
WORKS! ... but ... for some reasons i've started a clean-install with Recalbox 4.1. I use your tut - your files (without any changes!)). No games won't start. Directly back to ES.
rm: can't remove '/recalbox/share/ram/uae4arm/conf/adfdir.conf': No such file or directory
rm: can't remove '/recalbox/share/ram/uae4arm/conf/uaeconfig.uae': No such file or directory
./uae4arm: error while loading shared libraries: libsndfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
=> libsndfile.so.1 ?! Don't exist in your libs ...
=> can't remove ... you delete this files before create them. No Error.
I worked through the adflauncher.sh manually => no problems - until
=> ./uae4arm: error while loading shared libraries: libsndfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After the 4.1 >update< I had no problems. However, I noticed that the update is faulty (files were not copied etc.; kill gamepad-config etc.) so I made a clean-install (new microSD). Can it be that the update keeps the libsnd.1.o of 4.0.2, but cleaninstall doesn't have this file?
The 4.0.2 -> 4.1 MicroSD:
./uae4arm: /usr/lib/libasound.so.2: no version information available (required by /lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0)
./uae4arm: /usr/lib/libasound.so.2: no version information available (required by /lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0)
Amiberry build 2017-01-08, by Dimitris (MiDWaN) Panokostas and Olly Aigner
Recalbox 4.1 (update from 4.02)
find -name libsndfile.so.1 -maxdepth 100
Recalbox 4.1 (cleaninstall)
find -name libsndfile.so.1 -maxdepth 100
=> nothing found
I've copied the libsndfile.so.1 from 4.02 to /usr/lib/ from 4.1
=> WORKs
Your Guide works only with 4.0x an update to 4.1. - not with clean install 4.1 ...
When is the official support coming?