show game region after scraping?
I have many games with different regions, is it possible to display the games specific region after scraping them?
or show the filename at all as additional details? -
@Thomas-Kings I would like to see the filename also in emulationstation as aditional info, e.g. above the Rating. Makes it easier to say which rom you load in case you have more than one from different regions and all thave the same title.
@Thomas-Kings, @gmgman:
I think the image is explicit enough. Configure UXS as needed. -
It depend on the scraper you use.
Try with Universal XML Scraper
and check the "Name option" you can do that
(Burned by @Pepe ^^ )
@Pepe ah good lord...
that means I have to scrape them again? It already took almost 2 days to go through all my games because its so god darn slow even with 5 threads -
I'm giving up...
tried scraping again but the entire downloaded_images folders are filled with those Flashback templates and none of them are from the actual games...
I deleted my settings and tried again, same issue.