First step. HELP.
I'm buying Institute to make a handheld console with raspberry and recalbox,
I am to have doubts on the display.You say that this can give me trouble? Drivers etc ..?
sorry for my English, I use a translator. -
or you think you consume too much for a handheld console, resulting in increased space and weight for the batteries?
You tell me what you think the screen is recommended by you, without spending too much money?
sincerely touch screen is NOT absolutely essential.
This all depends on the size of your project, your budget etc ... We just recommend using HDMI/DPI screens (not SPI as their refresh is too low for a smooth gaming performance)
But amazon selling a Pi3 at 23€, that's impsressive ...
one thing makes me reflect.
raspberry, microsd, display, power supply, jopypad, maybe mini keyboard = 180€
not battery, not schedule PCB charger, no amplifier, no speaker. mmmm
GPD XD = all 150€ and maybe best performance.I do not know if I should.
Although detest Android.
sincerely I wanted to do or buy a console to play on the bed.