GPIO joystick and buttons issue
@substring so I setup my buttons, initiate a game. And then when I have a game loaded at the insert coin (metal slug) or 1 player game (mario) there is no response from any button. I do not have an hot key specific button.
I tried once again to remap my buttons but it does not work as mentioned above.all the wiring is ok as per schematic.
Any thoughts?
@ivolourenco someone has the same kind of issue but for dreamcast only. Can you make ansupport archive ?
@substring after some more testing this occur within Neo Geo, Name, PlayStation. I can play some games of Nintendo not all.
Support Archive is a separate topic? (Sorry for the noob questions)
@ivolourenco go to http://recalbox/help and make a support archive, post the generated link here
@Substring Page not found (404) - Below.
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://recalbox/help
Using the URLconf defined in project.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
^ ^$ [name='home']
^ ^bios/$ [name='bios']
^ ^bios/upload$ [name='bios-upload']
^ ^config/$ [name='config']
^ ^monitoring/$ [name='monitoring']
^ ^logs/$ [name='logs']
^ ^systems/$ [name='roms-systems']
^ ^systems/roms/(?P<system>\w+)/$ [name='roms-list']
^ ^systems/roms/(?P<system>\w+)/upload/$ [name='roms-upload']
The current URL, help, didn't match any of these.
You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page. -
@ivolourenco which recalbox version do you have ? Don't tell me you're still on 4.0 ?
@substring was 4.0 because I could not found roms... so i was using a compile file to try some games.
Changed to the 4.1 and did the support archive, same problems regarding the mapping. (
Can we discuss roms subjec on Kiwi IRC? Let me know when suits you.
@ivolourenco errrr ... Tomorrow (10th of November) 9pm CETi should be on IRC
I still believe in a wiring problem ...
@substring as i will travelling home at that time can we make it sat**day (11th)? Or sunday.
Wiring you mean positioning within the GPIO? If that would be the case we still would have the response when mapping. And the problem is that some of the games work and the buttons work..
@Substring i'm still troubleshooting the system there are the following situations occuring:
- Mega drive - I need to use a conbination of 2 buttons to do what we would do with a single button on a normal pad. (e.g. Street of rage - to punch i need to : hold B + A.)
- SNES - When i push a button the action keeps going (e.g. Bomberman, when i place a bomb. As soon it explode it automatically set a new bom without pushing a button)
This occurs on DOOM as well if i fire a shoot it continue firing util is out of bullets. - Neo Geo it goes to the game, blue screen it returns without working.
@ivolourenco i can't this weekend
And I do believe it's a wiring problem (or maybe a bad configuration on your side) because you're the only one having that problem so far ...
@substring : I have exactly the same problem (And I'm french too, don't know if there is some relation). evtest work with each button (and code is the good one for each: Left, North, Right, west, south, east, start and select).
In recalbox menu, I can navigate with joystick without any problem.
When I go to joystick setup, I use any of my button to select player control and it detect GPIO 1. I can set axis without any problem but program stop to detect button after the first is pressed.For example: If the first button pressed is X, I can't set others, but X works.
If the first button pressed is Y, I can't set others, but Y works.It's like button detection stop just after a first button is pressed.
I look for a while on internet before finding this thread. May this is the reason of the few number of report of this thread.
If you have any idea
@dclairac hi
First of all : you shouldn't even have to reconfigure your stick in ES as it's preconfigured.Now what surprises me is that es detects only 1 controller wheres you're supposed to have 2 (unless you changed it in recalbox.conf). And you said that whichever button you pressed, it's always GPIO1 being enabled ? Even if you press a button from player 2 ?
@Substring : Got It (and I think @IvoLourenco have the same, based on it's evtest).
First of all, I have 2 GPIO (just I was trying to configure first).You were right, it's a wiring problem (or missing doc for buttons). I had my doubts when I tried to go to Doom. The fire button shoot permanently (as if button stay pushed). I looked again evtest very carefully, and I see that when I press a key, I have the 0 line and then the 1 (So the signal is at 1 and goes to 0 when I press what is the opposite of what should happen - same as @IvoLourenco).
My switches have 1 earth terminal (large side) and 2 contact terminals (small side). I wrongly thought that it was the same thing (no manufacturer's doc) but I just tested with the multimeter and they are 2 inverted contactors (one makes contact when I press, the other makes contact permanently). As a result, the simple act of switching from one terminal to another helped me solve the problem.
In the interface, I think that as soon as you press the button, it's as if you were held down permanently, which of course doesn't work.
Once the wiring was redone, I did a reset of the configuration as you indicated and everything works fine.
Maybe we can add this case in the FAQ and specify that in evtest, we must have:
Press -> 1, release -> 0 and not Press -> 0, release -> 1.Hope it will help.
@dclairac thanks for the support.
And apologize for the late answer but as I work offshore no access to the normal world.So basically we have just to test with a multimeter and understand the impulse constant or partial.
I never used the multimeter, read a bit and understand that if we set it up incorrectly we may end up burn it. Can you let me know the setup used and the test performed?
@DCLAIRAC Ignore the above is sorted the wiring will test and post my feedback. Is much simpler than both of us thought I believe, if we understand the micro switch schematic NC (normal closed) vs NO (normal open)tells you everything.