My RecalNES Box (yet another NES mod)
Hi !
I'm new here and i want to thank recallbox team for theyre wonderfull works !
This done, I just want to introduice you my NES case upgrade.
The RecalNES is composed with:
- RPi3,
- WD PiDrive 314Go
- DVD Player,
- 220V to 5v 4A power supply,
- A Mauseberry Circuit
- 4 portys USB Hub with external power supply,
- A bunch of USB/RJ45/HDMI extension cable
- Custom made 3D print part ! (if anyone interest, i will share my design)
Original NES power/Reset switch are connected to a mauseberry circuit to power up the PI. The side on/off switch shutdown 220V from the power supply. This particualer setup permit to allways have 5v power tu USB port even if RPi is shutdown.
The Original NES Led will be replace (in near future) by a Pi driven RGB Led.
Neat work!
I see I inspired you for the 220v switch
Question: why use a Mausberry? We have a script that do far better!
Why it is white around USB ports on front?
nice work
@supernature2k Yes, you are ! I use mauseberry because i allready have it arround. before i start thinking of make my RecalBox.
Usb front panel are white cause my printer fillament was white too I redesign a port adapter to integrat usb without ruin original connector (maybe one day i will make something with...)@subs Thanks !
Too cool!!!