Solved PS3 Dualshock3
I wanted to add my Dualshock3 to my raspberry 3. I know it has a bluetooth integrated in it but i can't get it working.
Is there something special to do ?
Thanks for the help,
Need a bluetooth dongle with rpi3. -
Why ? If rasp3 has bluetooth integrated?
The Integrated bluetooth in rpi is not (yet) available in Recalbox but should be in the future.
Ok thanks both of you
@supernature2k Do you still need a dongle or is the onboard bluetooth working? I was going to buy a PS3 controller to try and didn't want to waste my money.
@brandonrcampbell you don't need one but the internal bluetooth of the pi3 is very s**tty so it's better to buy one anyway
@voljega Do you have a recommendation on a reliable one?
@brandonrcampbell look at wiki page or recalstore
@brandonrcampbell Since you've necrob*mped this thread, i'll say this to you: Recalbox now supports the built-in bluetooth of Rpi3. Yay
Havent you saw that the last message was from 2 years ago? Within 2 years A LOT can change on our world, specially when it comes from IT/Development.
@nwildner I literally spit my water out when I read that "necrob*mped"