Static IP not working
At first I have Recalbox grab a dynamic IP from my router. In the past once the Pi grabbed an IP it tended to keep the same one for ever anyway. I've even had it where it's kep the same IP between different builds of the OS because it's working off the mac address of the device anyway.
The strange thing with Recalbox is that it seems to ask for a new IP on evry reboot. I am getting anywhere in the range from at random. Every time I reboot it changes.
I've been into my Pihole DHCP provided it a static ip but it just ignores it and still gives it a new IP every reboot.
Probably won't be a big issue after I've inished setting it up but right now while I'm rebooting a lot while setting stuff up it's quite annoying having to check over and over again.
Any ideas? Expected behaviour?