Help Needed with Recalbox Setup for Raspberry Pi 4
Jumping into the world of retro gaming with a Raspberry Pi 4 and Recalbox, but need some assistance setting up it. Downloaded the latest image, flashed it to my SD card, but things aren't quite clicking.
Hoping some of you Recalbox veterans can lend a hand with:
WiFi Connection: My WiFi just won't connect, tried both 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks. Any ideas?
Controller Configuration: My PS4 controller isn't working over Bluetooth. Do I need to connect it with
a USB cable first? -
Game ROMs: Feeling a bit lost on how to organize and transfer my game ROMs. Any tips or tricks?
Followed the basic setup guide and also read this: but these issues are still dogging me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and timesaving.
Thanks in advance for the assist!
Looking forward to joining the retro gaming fun.