[question] Configuring Mix profil in UXS
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Very nice!
But french people won't like it...we don't know that grey/blue console
No easier way to do it unless @screech creates something crazy like an image plug-in for his soft or smthg.
I take these pictures too @screech, but the position did not help me. The low quality of the image and the model used is I did not know the right way to rotate the cartridge @supernature2k. The TV is also very old ... consider as a simple test, I will improve this =]
For the low quality, notice the link when you right clic on the image from www.screenscraper.com
Just change the maxwidth and maxheight
You will notice the difference
But it's true, it's not easy to put the cartridge in it ^^
Hey everyone. Hi screech, nice tip, I use this, it's very useful.
I have a little problem with Screenscraper on screenshot and support/texture (cartridge labels), the sizes variations.
Here works well, but the label not. Europe and USA versions have diferents labels sizes.
Here the screenshot size variation (aspect ratio I think) left an empty space
My question, I can change the screenshot aspect ratio and maintain a fixed size screen with the numbers of config.ini?
What i can read to learn about these numbers in the file, 3D image rotation and others things?
Sorry sn2k use your topic to this but only he had the same issue.
From the wiki (in french
sorry so I make a little translation, sorry for the bad english ^^)
Exemple :
$MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'marqueefixeTEMP|fixe|marquee.png|path:image|258|65|63|36|246|32|68|90'
- 1st element : marqueefixeTEMP = It's the temporary name of the image
- 2nd element : fixe = it's a fixe picture so not dynamic (thank you Mr obvious) it's meen it's already in the template directory, not scraped.
- 3rd element : marquee.png = The Filename of the picture in the template dir.
- 4th element : path:image = For a fixe image it's useless
- 5th and 6th element : 258|65 = Picture size before transformation so : 258x65.
- 7th an 8th element : 63|36 = Upper left corner position 63x36 (origin 0x0 is the upper left corner of the ffinal picture)
- 9th and 10th : 246|32 = Upper right corner position 246x32
- 11th anf 12th : 68|90 = down left corner position 68x90
The fourth corner don't need to be indicate, it's automatically calculated to make the good deformation (I haven't the choice with GDI+ ^^)
$MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'marqueeTEMP|path:image|medias/media_marquee|path:image|258|65|63|36|246|32|68|90' Il s'agit de la premiรจre source, du deuxiรจme รฉlรฉment
- 1st element : marqueeTEMP = Again the Temp name of the Picture. It's different from the first one. (because first one is a fixe picture, if you have scraped picture, you can use several time the same Temporary name to make a "if the first one doesn't exist, put the second one instead )
- 2nd element : path:image Useless in this case
- 3rd element : medias/media_marquee The scraped element type, like in the XML Profil from screenscraper (Watch here for a list of the different element you can take from screenscraper, sorry in french again :S)
- 4th element : path:image It tell to the soft it was a scraped picture
- All other element is the same as above
Hope it's help. If you need help, you can copy/past your config.ini
@supernature2k Tu es modo
tu crois que tu pourrais dรฉplacer ces derniers messages dans un nouveau sujet pour ne pas polluer le sujet sur les propositions thรจmes ?
new topic created
Thank's the help, and the moving topic supernature2k.
Now I think can finish my theme ... even without photoshop skills
I will take the tests now
Is not pretty I know but if someone wants it so request... ^^
I'm interested by your Mix! ;o) -
Hi cotedeporc,
I have not finished this MIX yet because I'm having some small problems. And I start work in others MIX's for all system.Like this for GBA, I don't want a empty GBA for non scraped roms. Need made test's, if anyone else have tips or suggestions...
And Screech It helped a lot with this little tutorial, now who want, can make your own MIX too
Hi @PumpKHeaD ,
Check the standard mix, you can put a pic like the snow screen that will be visible if no screenshot is found.
Sorry supernature2k, I do not understand your explanation, cause if I want a GBA image, I need put this on the MIX file. The Standard MIX dont use a local image.
My solution was clear the option "add empty roms" but the problem is the rom is not added to the XML file.
So you mean you want nothing at all if the rom has no data?
Yes, like the Standard do. But i think this is not possible if i use a image with |fixe| option on config.ini
I think we need help from @screech
Yes, if you use |fixe| image you cannot have blank final picture
But if you want, instead of a white square on the "empty" GBA, you can put something like "snow" (look the empty arcade) or a picture like this one :
An other solution, simply delete file where GBA is empty
so you have nothing on Emulationstation screen
Hi all! I've found this topic very useful for making my mixes, and I want to use it to post my problem creating my own mix.
I've created 3 different Mix Profiles, one to scrape EUR roms, one for scrape USA roms, and one for scrape JAP roms.
This is my config.ini that I've created:
$MIX_IMG_NAME = PersonalStyleUSA
$MIX_IMG_EXEMPLE = exemple.png
$MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'screenTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_screenshot|path:image|476||119|8|'
$MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_us|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG3_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_us|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG4_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_us|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG5_SOURCE_1 = 'flagTEMP|FixeMax|Lang-USA.png|path:image|100|100|UP|LEFT'The problem is that in many roms I'm obtaining a correct scrape like this:
But many other, I'm obtaining a wrong rendered file, like this:
In this picture I've lost the cartridge and the logo images (and both of them are in screenscraper.fr database...)
And I've lost the logo in this other (and also, the logo is in the screenscraper database...)
I don't know what it's hapening, because in many cases, the rendered file is correct (as you can see in the Super Mario 64 scrape...), so the config.ini it would be correct, right?
Please, can anyone help me with this??
Thank you very much!!
Hi, @NaSHoOo
The problem (in your case) is that you select "only" one country by scrape. So if a media isn't in the country you scrape (but in an other country) you don't grab it.
Exemple for Castlevania :
http://www.screenscraper.fr/gameinfos.php?gameid=5414The Screenshot is multicountry = no problem.
The 3D Box is Us = no problem
The cardrigde and the wheel (logo) is Eu = so you don't grabe it (you want only Us)If you want, you can modify like this :
$MIX_IMG_NAME = PersonalStyleUSA
$MIX_IMG_EXEMPLE = exemple.png
$MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'screenTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_screenshot|path:image|476||119|8|'
$MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_us|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG3_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_%%|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG4_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_us|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG5_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_%%|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG6_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_us|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG7_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_%%|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG8_SOURCE_1 = 'flagTEMP|FixeMax|Lang-USA.png|path:image|100|100|UP|LEFT'So, it take in priority the Us File. And if not found, take in your priority language (if you are in French for exemple : fr|eu|us|en|origine|de|es|pt|jp|xx)
Other solution (the best one
) Found missing media (like the Label Texture for the Us Cardridge) and submit it to Screenscraper
so we can add it