PDP Afterglow Nintendo Switch Controller - Trouble Connecting
I'm trying to connect a wireless PDP Afterglow Nintendo Switch controller, with mixed, inconsistent success and frequent failure.
It shows as supported and tested on the wiki, but here's what I've encountered:
*Correctly detects the controller when connected via micro-usb cord, but buttons are not mappable in controller settings
*Detects controller as "Lic Pro" when using Bluetooth if the controller is in "connect" mode. Connects, but does not pair.
-The first time it did this, the buttons were mappable and worked in-game, but the controller appeared to still be in "pairing" mode the whole time- After a restart, the controller did not auto-reconnect, and could not be added again via bluetooth. It did, however, show in the assigned controllers setting
-After forgetting known bluetooth controllers, and performing a bluetooth search, this controller was found and reconnected, but immediately disconnected and the buttons could not be assigned.
Has anyone here had success with this controller, or is there a place I can find more detailed testing notes to see how whoever verified this controller on the wiki was able to connect it?
- After a restart, the controller did not auto-reconnect, and could not be added again via bluetooth. It did, however, show in the assigned controllers setting
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00