Nice!!! i bought one to test when it ready =D may by will be good to see the lakka files:
[SOLVED(waiting for ODROID)] Orange PI - 1.6 quadcore , can we =D?
Hi Guys!!! i want to show you this, i do not know the compability but, will be awasome run recalbox whit dreamcast and gamecube... it cost 39 usd!!!
A portage of recalbox under a new board is big charge of work... Actually one team member is working on a portage under odroid ux4 then c2. So, there is so many new boards are available each weeks... All with sexiest specs than others. But we can't buy each new one board, working and porting of recalbox on them. If someone with knowledges want to work on some specifics portages, he will be welcome.
Nice!!! i bought one to test when it ready =D may by will be good to see the lakka files:
lakka has absolutely nothing in common with Recalbox. besides, rockaddicted told you specifically that absolutely no one was working on a port for the Orange board for the moment, and that no one will for a long time, if it ever happen. so I guess you bought your orange board for nothing, unless you want to install lakka on it. oh wait... lakka isn't even compatible with this board either.
auuuu... if lakka is not the same core, we have to wait...
I bought the ODROD C2 dud, not de orange pi