How to add FCEUnext core?
I'm looking for a way to use FCEUnext instead of Nestopia.
Kid Dracula refuses to run on Nestopia (it's a known issue), therefore FCEUnext is my only option. This known issue is also present in several Japanese titles, especially when it comes to Konami.
I don't understand why only Nestopia shows up, while Recalbox's wiki contains details on so many libretro cores. Generally speaking, FCEUnext is a better core.
Please note that I tried configuration override as instructed:
And also made sure that the core is present at /usr/lib/libretro
It seems like Recalbox completely ignores my overrides.
- topic:timeago_later,2 years
@matchaman said in How to add FCEUnext core?:
I'm looking for a way to use FCEUnext instead of Nestopia.
Kid Dracula refuses to run on Nestopia (it's a known issue), therefore FCEUnext is my only option. This known issue is also present in several Japanese titles, especially when it comes to Konami.
I don't understand why only Nestopia shows up, while Recalbox's wiki contains details on so many libretro cores. Generally speaking, FCEUnext is a better core. sandbox
Using FCEUnext instead of Nestopia on Recalbox is possible by either using the menu settings or editing configuration files directly. Given that FCEUnext is often preferred for compatibility with a broader range of NES titles, it's a good choice, especially for games like Kid Dracula that have issues with other cores.