Problem with kodi on the 8.1 release
hello everybody, i cannot to use ma pi3b+ since the last release (no sound in kodi and crash in recalbox). So i pay for become patreon and use the last beta version 8.1. Now i have the sound in kodi and the problem of crash in recalbox are solved. But now Kodi doesn't detect my hdd where i stocked my films and video. I try with an another hdd and it is the same. When i test with usb key it detect it. Can you help me please?
Has your HDD an external Powersource or did it get his Power from the USB-Port of the Raspberry ?
Did you switch on your HDD before you switch on your Raspberry or after ?
Your HDD is not detected by Kodi, is it detected by Recalbox ?
Is you HDD "installed" like it's described here ?
Im still running Recalbox 6.0 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
My Games are on an external HDD which got his own Powersupply.
I had to turn on the HHD first and than the Raspberry, if I do irt the other way around Recalbox didn't find the HDD. -
Hi,Thank you.
- External powersource : i tried many powersuplies.
- I tried both : the same result
- My hdd is detected by the recalbox, i tried an other hdd with the same result.
- i use an usb key for roms and sttings saving, but the hdd is only for mobies on Kodi. It was detected by the last releases.
I'm stuck.