OpenVPN on Recalbox?
Hi, is it possible to install OpenVPN on the Recalbox? Or more precise, is it possible to run Recalbox also as an OpenVPN server? Greetings m0nKeY
Hi m0nKeY, it's not possible to add fonctionnality like OpenVPN on recalbox easely. If you want custom your retrogamming station with others packages, i recommand you to use a distribution like retropie based on raspbian software. Recalbox is a buildroot based software. Only necessary packages is inclued on it. And a vpn solution for a retrogamming distribution is not realy necessary :/.
Thanks again, I read the howto about adding packages on your own, but I wanted to ask to be sure. My know-who would be enough to add packages on my own, even though I have to learn a lot. Considering the lack of time you are right to advise me to use retropie. Greetings m0nKeY
But juste because i'm curious. Why do you want add openvpn on recalbox ? You want make recalbox gift to your "friends" and when they play at snes, you want use is openvpn <span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span class="">hidden on it for navigate in the deepweb or download your bigest</span> </span><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en">physical <span class="">collection of game and movie ? lol</span> </span>I doesn't want become your friend haha :p.
Yeah, I'm an evil person. My provider uses Dual Stack Lite, so I only got a IPv6 address to reach my network. But i.e. my mobile provider only supports IPv4. So I wanted to use the rpi3, because it doesn't consume that much power and it can run 24/7, as a VPN-bridge to my network together with an IPv4->IPv6 mapping service.