Can't connect to wifi with RP4.
Can't connect to wifi with RP4. Connects to wifi router after input name and password, but both IP address and Status show "Not Connected. I tried changing the Wifi region from JP to GB&US but no change.
WiFi gave me a lot of Trouble, even on a Rapsberry Pi 3B+ with Recalbox 6.0.
So I connect the Raspberry with a LAN-Cable to my Router.
Advantage: If you want to put some new Games on your SD-Card this is faster than a WiFi-Connection.You say Recalbox shows "No Connect".
Which WiFi-Connection did you use ? 2,4 Ghz or 5 Ghz ?
I would suggest to use the 2,4 Ghz WiFi because this works better (a last for me) than 5 Ghz.Did you own a Windows-PC ?
Did the Recalbox shows up under "Network" ?
I'm not sure if this will work for you, but why not try this:- Connect your Raspberry Pi to your WLAN (or if you want with a Cable to your LAN)
- On your Window-PC open the "Windows Explorer"
- Search for "Network"
- Click on "Network"
- The Name of your Raspberry Pi (for example "Recalbox") should show up
- Klick on the Name
- It will show you a Folder named "Share"
- Klick on "Share" and you will see some more folders
Did this work ?
Another thing you can try:
Can you access the Recalbox Manger through you Internet-Browser ?
Look here 6.0 on my Rasberry Pi 3B+ also shows the Message "Not Connect" but I can access it over the Windows-Explorer and my Internet-Browser.
I'm not sure, but somewhere on the Internet (maybe on this Board) I've read that this message only means you are not connected to the "Recalbox-Server" and because of this you can't make an Update of Recalbox over the Internet, but everything else should work fine and you can access Recalbox in the Ways I mentioned above.
@alvin Yes it worked!
Thanks for the Reply !
Glad it works. -
admin 22 Jun 2022, 00:00