Help with PS1 Emulator and roms
I purchased a pre-built raspberry pi 3B+ with recalbox already loaded and a large number of roms already installed. There are 4 PS1 roms already on the device l. I tried to download and add more via the recalbox manager web tool and each one I tried was too large of a file. I kept getting the message that the roms can only be in the 250-260MB range, however most of the roms I've seen are roughly 3GB. Is there a way around this or am I doing something wrong?
Firstly, your post will probably get deleted, as this is a forum for official installs only - people who illegally sell Recalbox systems are frowned upon, and any such systems do not get offered any support.However, I actually can vaguelly remember this very issue from years ago - you must have an old version of Recalbox ?
We are now at v8.02And, there are NO PS1 games of even close to 3 gig. Each game came on a cd, so the maximum iso image per cd would be 700meg, but very very few even got close to that - Crash Bandicoot is just 180 meg for example if I remember right.
If you have v7.xx, you should be able to plug in an ethernet cable and update to v8.02 without losing anything in your setup -