Scraper not updating rom names
I have noticed when running the scraper from Main Menu > Scraper it completes ok but the entries in the gamelist are not being renamed.
However I have run the scraper on individual games /roms by Edit Game > Scrape. It completes and this time it updates the name in the list to what was scraped.Ive tested this on different systems and different roms and it only updates the game name when running the scraper on individual roms.
Is there a way to use the Scraper from the Main menu > Scraper to also update the game name in the games list?
@sykogee Maybe the problem is with your gamelist file, I'm not sure, try making a backup of the file, and delete it, scrape a game and see if it works again.
But for the sake of agility and options, I recommend that you update your gamelists with external software such as Skraper or ARRM:
ARRM : -
@zing Thanks for the links and the help, much appreciated