8bitDo Pro 2
Bonsoir à tous
j'ai remarqué sur le Wiki Recalbox consacré aux pads 8bitdo que la manette Pro+ version 2 ne figure pas dans la liste des compatibilités ?????
Sachant que j'ai des soucis sous Retroarch avec ce modèle !!!!!!! il y a t-il un futur correctif de prévu ???? Merci d'avance des retours -
@shingohky please don't use French in english formum. If you want use French go to French recalbox forum
Translated message:good evening everyone
I noticed on the Recalbox Wiki dedicated to 8bitdo pads that the Pro + version 2 controller is not in the list of compatibilities ?????
Knowing that I have problems under Retroarch with this model !!!!!!! is there a future fix planned ???? Thanks in advance for feedback -
I'm sorry if I posted on the wrong forum, it's an unintentional error. If a moderator wants to move my topic to the correct section. Thanks in advance -
@rebok232 hello, I just bought a 8bitDo Pro 2 today and I was testing it with the Recalbox 8.0. I was able to make it work by connecting it with the cable. Yet, I had some issues with some games where it seems that some buttons were not working very well. Just wanted to share my experience.
@mattcristal I'm not expert i'm brginner
I'cant helo you -
@shingohky hello
I'm using a 8BitDo SN 30 pro + and it works fine.
Is it the same model ? What is your firmware ? -
@scavy Hello Scavy
No it's not the same model,i have a 8BitDo SN 30 pro + and it works fine but I have too the newest model the 8BitDo pro 2 with the firmware v1.01 it works very well in Emulstation but when I run a game which uses a Retroarch core, it is no longer detected and I have to turn it off then on again to make it operational again. Otherwise, you could move this post to the French forum it will be easier for me to converse in this language -
@shingohky i see with the devs...