Problems with N64 and MAME
i'm using a GPi Case with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 with recalbox-rpizero2legacy.img. iv'e put ROMs für Balzing Star, Metal Slug 6 and Samurai Showdonw V in the MAME directory and Super Mario 64 in the N64 directory. But no game is starting and the warning "It appears your game didn't start at all!" appears. What i'm doing wrong?For example SNES working flawlessly.
Super Mario 64 in the N64 directory
I don't have a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 and I can't test it.
N64 is a very heavy emulator, I don't believe the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 will manage to run it, much less in a recently released beta version.
Blazing Star, Metal Slug 6 and Samurai Showdonw V in the MAME directory
You are probably using the wrong romset, and/or forgetting about BIOS: Slug 6
I don't know if the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 will manage to run a too heavy game like this, much less in a recently released beta version.