Solved The native L1+L2+Select+Start combo option to show menu.
Hello! You guys put Batocera/Retrobat to shame (figure of speech, not that they are bad). Thank you for (almost) putting everything I wanted on a frontend. Thank you kindly.
I said almost because I still cannot find a way to set the hotkey menu shortcut to the L1+R1+Select+Start option Retroarch natively provides. I read some posts that combos are not possible, but in this case the option exits in Retroarch natively so I'm asking how.
I managed to make my own custom hotkey shortcuts and now I only have Select+Start(twice) to quit games and Select+L1 to show Retroarch menu (all others are disabled). I tried setting up the buttons for the combo I mentioned above and they are 4, 5 and 9 on my RetroBit Genesis 8-button controller working on Nintendo Switch mode (L1, R1 and Start respectively). But only button 4 was taken.
Here's the line on .retroarch.cfg:
"input_menu_toggle_btn = "459"" and I tried adding + among them but no use.The Hotkey is 8 so I didn't put it.
What is the correct formula for it?
Ah, I found the answer.
I had to install a standalone Retroarch to apply the hotkey combo and then check the retroarch.cfg file for the value.
The answer is to disable the menu hotkey like this:
"input_menu_toggle_btn = "nul""And use a line specific for the combo which is this one:
"input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = "3""
where "3" is the order of the combo in the combo list. "0" is none so it's actually the fourth selection.Cheers!
@sg said in [The native L1+L2+Select+Start combo option to show menuI read some posts that combos are not possible,
I know you solved the post but wanted to mention that the reason changing hotkey combos permanently is not really supported is because the buttons are assigned dynamically to the Retroarch “Retropad” (virtual controller) by the ES front end configuration menu item.
So the button numbers can sometimes change drastically across controllers (e.g. 2 button NES vs PS3 pad). I think the “configgen” script in Recalbox handles ES->Retroarch mapping - if you want to poke around on the Linux side of things.