Hi, my theme is installed correctly in the share / theme / folder
I usually unpacked the zip in the “share / theme /“ folder and did nothing else, however I'll check as soon as possible.
Very thanks @Scavy
Hi guys, as you know the themes no longer work with versions 7.0.1 and not even with 7.1.1, I tried to select the theme that I have always loved Next Pixel (4:3 version), but I keep having problems, screen and black and white texts.
My Config : RPI 3B+ RB 7.1.1
Thank you for your great work.
@Space81 hi, well, the next-pixel theme works fine on my 7.1.0 then 7.1.1 version using my GPiCase.
Are you sure it's well installed ?
Your theme is installed in the share/theme/ folder correctly ?
Take care about the two same named folder : share/theme/nextpixel[...]/nextpixel[...]/
it's a common problem.
Hi, my theme is installed correctly in the share / theme / folder
I usually unpacked the zip in the “share / theme /“ folder and did nothing else, however I'll check as soon as possible.
Very thanks @Scavy
@Space81 a picture is more usefull
Check your path.
Take care, it's my GPiCase pack (small crt), not the 480p, 720p or 1080p pack
@Scavy very very thanks ! You were right, that was the mistake.