Solved Systems without roms are shown on the homepage
Hi Guys,
I have a problem with my recalbox. I downloaded it to my Raspberry Pi a few days ago and saw that many games were installed out of the box. I didn't want all the systems to be shown on the home page, because I only wanted to see my own systems. So I deleted all the pre-installed roms, restarted the recalbox, but all the systems were still there. Then I clicked on "Update Game Lists" in the options and all systems were gone, I thought. Then I restarted the recalbox again and all systems were back. The games i deleted are also shown in recalbox but don't start (of course, because there are no roms). I don't know what the problem could be and I would appreciate your help. The folders of the systems in the rom folder are all empty, except for _readme.txt, _lisezmoi.txt and gamelist.xml (I can't delete the gamelist file because every time I restart recalbox, the file is regenerated again ?? )
Thank you for your help.greetings
Board model: Raspberry Pi 3b+
Recalbox version (build) : RB EMULATIONSTATION V 7.0.1.-RELOADED -
delete gamelist.xml -
@acris Thank you very much! It worked!