@cebefunk Es gibt eine Anleitung für RetroPie, vielleicht funktioniert die auch bei Recalbox 6.1.1.
In Recalbox 7.0.1 gibt es eine neue Funktion "Pad to Keyboard" diese ermöglicht es dir z.B. die Leertaste des C64 auf eine Taste zu deines Controllers zu legen.
RetroPie Anleitung:
Start Game: Spacebar
Menu: F12
Select: Enter
Cancel: Backspace
Exit GUI: Escape
Changing Controls:
-Press F12 to enter menu
-Navigate to machine settings and press enter
-Navigate to Joystick settings and press enter
-Navigate to Joystick device in port 2 and press enter
-to use a numpad to play your game navigate to Numpad and press enter
-Up: 8
-Up/Right: 9
-Up/Left: 7
-Left: 4
-Right: 8
-Down: 2
-Down/Left: 1
-Down/Right: 3
-Fire: 0
-to use a Joystick (gamepad) instead, navigate to Joystick and press enter
- to go back to the previous menu, use the left arrow key
Go into
- settings management
- save settings on exit
- save current settings
- save hotkeys
- save joystick map
- Go back to Joystick settings by pressing backspace and navigate to Joystick 1 Mapping and press enter
- Press enter on each key followed by pressing the key on your gamepad you wish to be mapped.
- Press escape to exit the menu and return to your game