Share Roms and Save
Hello all,
I've been an enthusiastic RecalBox player for a long time.
But the last game was almost a year ago.
So today I replaced my box with a Ras3 B + and installed the current RecalBox 6.1.1.So far, I have had the roms and saves on a server release (MS 2019) and have always proceeded as I did in <4.1 I now have 6.1 I tried below> 4.1
But there is a problem with me when I edit the file.
I open the file with NANO
I only have one line in it
case = none: 1is there another way to share your games with a release at 6.1?
@le2064 I dont know about you, but I have my roms, saves and bios on a NAS server on my Network.
And I have 2 rasppi3+ on my home, both sharing roms, saves and bios (I can play on the living room, save and continue on the bedroom).You have to edit recalbox-boot.conf (as you said before) and add:
case = none: 1
sharenetwork_smb3=BIOS@YOUR_NAS_IP:YOUR_LOGICAL_DRIVE_NAME/recalbox/bios:username=recalbox,password=recalbox,vers=1.0For you to understand, mine is: